Ear Plugs

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Sanji cocked a brow looking at Zoro, he held out his hand under Zoro who held a closed fist. Holding something inside of them. He glanced to his hand before back to Zoro slightly confused.

"Uh, what?"

Zoro dropped two small black earplugs into his hand. Sanji pursed his lips, and glanced up to Zoro.

"What are you getting me into?" Sanji asked.

"Your going to need those, you see. Law and Kidd have been away from each other for a. Little while. Law is, very. Loud. So if you want to sleep tonight you should wear those." Zoro said.

Sanji furrowed, "What are you talking about? Loud? Shouldn't someone see something about that?"

"I'm surprised a pervert like yourself hasn't caught on."

"Who are you calling pervert?!"

"I noticed you staring at me in the shower."

Sanji blushed as the lights flickered. Sanji put his earplugs in as he headed to the bed. He turned to Zoro putting in his own, but he furrowed as Zoro got up. He approached him pulling out one of Sanji's earplugs. He leaned over his ear.

"Unless you want to join them." Zoro whispered.

Sanji blushed once more and tried to push him away. But Zoro wouldn't budge. He chuckled pulling back to Sanji's face.

"Don't I get a goodnight kiss?" Zoro purred.

Sanji pulled out one of Zoro's earplugs, "If it means you'll leave me alone."

Zoro smirked, "One day, you'll fall for me then they will have to wear earplugs."

Sanji pursed his lips, "Shut up."

He pecked Zoro's cheek having him frown, Sanji patted the cheek before shooing him away. Zoro growled grabbing his jumpsuit and pulling him into a kiss, forcing his tongue inside. Sanji's eyes widened as Zoro pulled back with his lip between his teeth. His eye opened releasing his lip and smirked.

"Goodnight. And if you need anything, don't be afraid to wake me." Zoro smirked.

Sanji gulped as he put in the earplug, Zoro walked over to his bed and placed in the other. Once the lights went out, everyone went to bed besides Kidd and Law. About an hour later Sanji woke up to the thumping against the wall. He grumbled sitting up and pulling out his earplug. His eyes widened to the horse moans and slapping of skin echoing in the cells. There was a low chuckle as the slapping grew softer.

"How about that, the surgeon of death, broken by a mere mechanic." Kidd chuckled.

"Sh-Shut up." Law panted.

"So what's the score, 21 to 32?"

There was a gasp as Sanji clutched his sheets. He scrambled to put the earplug back into his ear. But the thumping against the wall persisted. Law and Kidd had done it fifty three times tonight? It wasn't even midnight yet. Or so Sanji thought. He sighed softly. But perked up when Zoro shifted up. Sanji pulled out his earplug as did Zoro.

"Are they keeping you up?" Zoro asked.

Sanji nodded, Zoro banged on the wall having Kidd and Law stop.

"Get off the cot, your banging against the wall." Zoro barked.

Kidd clicked his tongue, "Fine, but I'm waiting for the day I have to tell you to shut up."

Zoro chuckled, "Maybe one day Kidd, but that's not today."

He turned to Sanji about to put his earplug back in when Sanji stopped him.

"D-Don't. I- ugh Nevermind."

Sanji tossed over curling up into his blanket. Zoro chuckled getting up and walked over to Sanji's cot. He leaned over him having Sanji turn to him. His lip bit between his teeth looking up at Zoro. He could see him slightly, but what was most prominent was a toothy grin reflecting in the dim light.

"Did you want a goodnight kiss?" Zoro asked.

Sanji looked away having Zoro chuckle, leaning over. Just inches away from Sanji's lips, breath against breath and heavy lidded eyes gazing. Zoro gave another breathless chuckle watching Sanji's eyes flick to his lips then back to his eye. Zoro took his arm wrapping it around his neck as Sanji wrapped the other. To Zoro's surprise Sanji kissed him. Pulling Zoro tighter into the kiss. Lips moved against one another, getting rougher and heated with each moment. Sanji pulled back resting against Zoro's shoulder and trembled softly. His breath hitched earning Zoro's attention.

"Hey what's wrong?" Zoro asked.

Sanji clutched tighter to Zoro's neck, he was crying softly. Zoro sat up pulling Sanji into his lap, holding each other close. Once Sanji was done, he hiccuped softy pulling back. Zoro cupped his cheek and wiped away the tears with one hand while he kissed away the others. Sanji sniffled looking into his lap.

"Sorry, I." Sanji muttered.

"What's wrong?" Zoro asked.

Sanji looked up at him, his pale blue eyes shining in the moonlight. Slightly puffy and red, but still as beautiful.

"I. I never had someone care for me like you have. It's new to me." Sanji said.

Zoro smiled and pulled him into an embrace, Sanji nuzzled against Zoro's neck. Giving soft kisses to his neck having Zoro hum

"I can say the same thing about you, even if your a pain in my ass." Zoro smirked.

Sanji pulled back and smacked him upside the head, Zoro chuckled slightly rubbing the back of his head. Sanji cupped his cheeks and tilted his head down. He kissed his forehead before pulling back with a soft smile.

"Tomorrow, I want to be marked." Sanji said.

Zoro grinned, "Alright, first thing."

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