I'll Come Back for You

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A/N: I'm gonna say this again. I DO NOT know anything about going to jail, or jail in general. So! Just letting you know before you read on.

Sanji stood holding his clothes and belongings as he was put in here. His eyes looked to the doors. He frowned wishing he could've said goodbye to Zoro. But, he left a note. Hoping Zoro would believe he would come back for him. Sanji changed out of his jumpsuit and then headed to the main hall where Zeff sat holding his granddaughter. He perked up to his son and stood up handing off the baby she smiled being in her father's arms and squealed with laughter. Sanji chuckled as he embraced the small girl then embraced his father. They pulled back as Sanji put Loulee in her basket. Before he headed to the front desk.

"I'd like to put in for the bail of Zoro Roronoa." Sanji said.

The man looked up to him, "Bail. He's under trial. Someone brought in new information. They claim he's innocent."

"When is his trial?" Sanji asked.

"Tomorrow, are you a relative?"

"I'm his husband."

The person at the front desk furrowed, "There is no record of marriage between you and Mr. Roronoa. Unless you have a marriage license."

"I have witnesses."

He shrugged, "Sorry, I need actual proof."

Sanji sighed, "Alright, if I get it will I be attending the case."

He nodded. Sanji then thanked him before he and his father left to the court house. Where he headed inside, where he went through monitors, and the wand thing. Sanji then walked the halls to find what he needed in a tiny room in the corner of the man hall. Sanji opened the door finding a woman behind a desk typing away on her computer. He approached her desk as she perked up to him.

"I'd like to get my wedding licence." Sanji said.

She pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to him. He thanked her sitting at a small table beside her desk. Sanji filled out his information before stumbling over Zoro's.

"Can I bring this back later?" He asked.

She nodded as Sanji folded the paper and placed it back in his pocket before going back to the jail. Sanji headed through another set of doors before he was lead into a room. Where another door was on the others side of the room and a table sat in the middle of the room. The door opened as he smiled seeing Zoro being pushed through. He perked up and smiled waiting to be released once his handcuffs were removed he darted to Sanji as they embraced nuzzling into each other scent. Zoro clutched onto Sanji's clothes before pulling back and peppering him in kisses. Sanji chuckled pulling back and smiled to him.

"I'm glad your alright." Zoro said.

"I didn't know your going on trial tomorrow. To prove you're innocent." Sanji smiled.

"Yeah, so you raised all that money for nothing." Zoro said.

"Not entirely. After this, my father and I are going to look for an apartment for us to live and raise our baby in."

Zoro smirked, "Perfect."

Sanji pulled out the marriage license and handed it to Zoro.

"I got to have you sign this so we can be married." Sanji said.

He handed Zoro the pen and he signed across the dotted line. He smiled to the paper and looked up to Sanji. He handed it back to him and sighed.

"I can't believe I'm married. And to some cook." Zoro said.

Sanji smacked his arm, "Some cook?!"

Zoro laughed as they embraced and kissed, Zoro then was hauled back off behind that door waiting to be sent home tomorrow. Sanji looked to the paper and smiled.

"Well. We will see tomorrow." Sanji said.

I forgot this chapter is really short. Should I upload another?

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