Marriage and Strip Truth or Dare

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A/N: I love truth or dare. It's my favorite game.

Sanji had fully healed. While Zoro was finishing up his time in the black room. As spring was just forming wedding season was around the corner. Which meant.

Sanji sat in a room with his father. Loulee was in the care of the cooks at the restaurant. They discussed when Zoro was out of his punishment they were to be married. Also discussing they were very close to Sanji's bail.

"I. I know what I have to do." Sanji muttered.

Zeff crossed his arms, "And what's that?"

Sanji looked up to his father, "All you have to do, is take my restaurant savings and put it towards Zoro's bail. I. I can handle the rest."

Sanji was taken out of the room and back to the jail. His eyes glanced around for any familiar faces but none stood out. He swallowed thickly heading over to a cell. Where he was greeted with a large smile.

"My my, candy boy." He grinned.

"I was told I can work for money." Sanji said.

Ivan grinned, "It's true yes."

"I'd. I'd like to work for you."

He chuckled standing up, he held out his hand to Sanji.

"All of the money I earn has to go to Zoro's bail. Nothing more nothing less." Sanji said.

Ivan blinked as Sanji took his hand. Then he stormed away not believing what he just did. He stood in his cell as tears pricked the corners of his eyes. Inazuma approached Ivan adding Sanji's name to the list.

"Inazmua, I want to help the candy boy. Have all our funds go towards his bail as well." Ivan said.

"Of course." Inazuma said.

Sanji stood outside before the barred window. He was too short to see inside of it. But. Kidd said Zoro was in that one. He backed up from the wall before dashing towards it, he kicked off the ground and up to the window. He clawed himself up onto the ledge and looked down into the cell. It was empty. He furrowed. But. Once a large hand groped his ass Sanji snapped over to Zoro licking his lips.

"Hand off ass." Sanji said.

"It was an accident." Zoro said.

His hand remained.

"Your hand is still on my ass."

"It's still an accident."

Sanji snickered as Zoro pulled him down. He squeaked as he fell into Zoro's arms. He gave a cheesy grin before kissing his cheek. Sanji giggled as Zoro pulled back.

"Have I ever told you." Sanji asked.

Zoro furrowed, "Told me what?"

"I like your last name, can I have it?"

"Oh really? Well if nothing lasts forever. Will you be my nothing?"

Sanji chuckled, "Tomorrow is our day."

The following morning before breakfast Zoro and Sanji were taken into a different room. A small church inside of the jail. Standing at the alter on each side were each of the groom's fathers. Zeff and Mihawk. They were dressed nicely as a pastor stood holding a bible. Zoro leaned over to Sanji.

"That's my dad Mihawk." Zoro grumbled.

"He was one of the jurors in my case." Sanji said.

They approached the altar and took hands.

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