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Heyo! New book! Hope you enjoy!
Y/n's POV
Why did I do this? Why did I agree? I'm not ready. I'm the biggest coward. We boarded the plane. I got nervous. I sat in the window seat with Tyler beside me. I was really nervous. I started shaking. We didn't even leave the ground. I felt a hand on my forearm. I look at Tyler. "It's okay. I'm here." He gives off a smile. I do too. I nod and ease into my seat.

I pop some gum into my mouth to keep my ears from popping. We started moving. I look outside, the land moving, faster and faster. The plane started going so fast that I was pushed back in my seat. My eyes widen. But then, I feel that same hand on my arm. I take and deep breathe and close my eyes. Boy, will this be a long flight.

We had gotten our luggage and began walking towards the pick up area. My heart beat rose again. I started playing with the hem of my shirt. We walked out of the doors and started looking around. I don't know why I was, I didn't know who I was looking for. Tyler tapped my shoulder and pointed in the direction of a group of people. A man with black hair, he had glasses, and he was a bit Asian. Wait, is that Mark? Beside him was a woman with blonde hair that was dyed yellow at the ends. She looked really familiar. I remember her from Cincinnati. Was it Ashley? I don't remember. Then, there was a younger man with blue hair and blue eyes. He had a fair bit of acne too. We walk over, my heart beating through my chest.

"Tyler!" The man who I think is Mark runs up to Tyler and bro hugs him. "How are you man?" He smiles. His smile, it's like it could cure cancer. It was so... contagious. A smile that was ever so familiar. A smile started to tug at my lips.

"I'm good. I hope you are too." They started to talk a little bit. But then, Tyler brought the attention to me. "Oh, yeah. You haven't met Y/n since you've moved." So, he is Mark. "Y/n, Mark. Mark, Y/n." He gives off another one of those contagious smiles. Then, he engulfs me into a hug. I hug back. He was so warm and inviting. God, I wanted to stay like this forever. I could stay in his warm embrace forever. Just like back then.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you in ages!" He pulls away, still having that smile. A smile tugs at my lips.

"I've been good, you?" He nods and rubs the back of his neck.

"Pretty good too. Oh! This is Amy." He pointed towards the woman. Oh, Amy. He was after her for all his high school years. Same time I had my crush. "Pretty sure you remember her." I nod and she also engulfs me into a hug.

"For a second there, I thought your name was Ashley." I chuckle. She does too.

"Close, but not quite." We all chuckle. Then, Mark takes back our attention.

"Uh, this is Ethan." He points towards the blue haired man. I smile and nod. He does the same but, he was so much more shy than I thought. Huh. What a twisted world. Or maybe it's just LA. "Alright, let's go." Mark takes one of my bags. I thank him. We put our bags into the trunk and get in the car.

We passed large houses. Then, we stop outside one. My eyes go wide. He lives here?
"Uh, Mark?" He turns his head. "This is your house?" He smiles.

"Yup." My lips make an 'o' shape and we get out of the car. I take my bags out of the car, Mark takes one and Ethan takes the other. I thank both of them. Mark looks through his keys and unlocks his door. Then, a dog comes barrelling towards us. I kneel down in a fit of laughter and start petting the dog. "That's Chica. Mark's dog." Ethan kneels down with me and starts petting Chica. I smile at him and nod.

"Okay, let's go get you settled into your rooms and then we can give a tour. Sound good?" Mark places his hands on his hips. I nod.

"Yeah, sounds good." Tyler mimics Mark and picks up his bags again. I go to pick up mine but Ethan stops me. I instead pick up my carry-on. We walked past a few rooms, until we stopped at one with a mint coloured paint. Tyler and Mark motion me to go in. "You can go in Y/n. That's your room." Tyler acts like I'm a baby. I punch his arm playfully and walk in. I put my bag down and take in the room. I turn around and get scared shitless because of Ethan standing there. My breathing starts to get heavy and Ethan bursts into laughter.

"Jesus. You didn't even make a noise." I hear heavy footsteps coming towards the room.

"What happened? I heard a scream, and if you say there's a bug, so help me I will kill you." Tyler balls his hand into a fist, trying to threaten me. I shake my head.

"Ethan scared me." Tyler's and Mark's lips make an 'o' shape. But, then started to laugh themselves.

"Babe! I'm gonna go out with some friends!" Amy calls. Babe?

"Alright! Be safe!" Mark's calls back. Wait...

"I'm sorry, babe?" He nods.

"Yeah, she's my girlfriend." My stomach sank.

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