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Ethan's outfit
Ethan's POV
She's okay. She's actually okay. If she wasn't, I don't know what I would do. I walk into my kitchen and look for something to eat. I come across some granola bars that were going to go bad soon. As I reached for one, my phone goes off. I sigh and walk over to it. I see Mark's name on the notification. A smile goes across my lips.

Hey, you want to come over tonight?
We're throwing a small party

I'll be there but what time?

About six

I'll talk later

See ya

I put down my phone and go for the granola bars again.

After binge watching Disney movies on Netflix, I glance at the clock. 5:43pm. I jumped up, I turned my laptop off and bolted for my room. I looked for my black button-up shirt, blue jeans, and my belt. I quickly changed and put on some deodorant. I rolled up my sleeves half way, revealing my forearms. I walk into the washroom to fix up my hair. I comb my hair, giving it a messy combover look. I walk back into my room and put on my watch. I spritzed some cologne.

Hold on. Am I doing all of this for her? No! I'm not. I just want to look nice. It's also a party, so you have to look nice. I breath deeply. I look over my outfit in the mirror. I grab my phone and walk to the front door. I put on my chelsea boots. I grab my keys and look at my watch, 5:50pm. Phew, just enough time. I walk out my apartment, locking the door. I take the elevator down to the parking garage.

Y/n's POV
I'm actually really excited for this party. I look over my outfit. It's a cute short, navy blue dress with black flats. I wore some simple diamond studs and a small pearl necklace. My makeup was fairly simple. Just some baby pink lipstick and concealer where needed. My hair was down, but was wavy.

 My hair was down, but was wavy

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I smile to myself. I look down at my scars, my fingers grazing over them, softly. The scar on my thigh has almost completely faded away. I sigh quietly. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I call, going over my outfit once again. Tyler walks in wearing a white dress shirt with a light blazer over top, khakis, and root beer coloured boat shoes.

A smile goes across his lips. Making one go across mine. "You look really nice." He pulls my into his embrace, my head against his chest. "I remember when you were little, like a foot tall. God, you were such a pain in the ass." We chuckle and he pulls away. "I want you to stay safe, okay?" I smirk.

"It's just a party, I'm not going to get married." He playfully shoves me.

"I know. It's just...time flies." He gives off another smile, then leaves the room. I silently sigh and look in the mirror once more. I take a deep breath and walk to the backyard. I open the back door, exposing the air of people conversing. I hear Mark say my name and everyone's heads turn to me. I gulp. I nervously smile, walking out of the doorway.
Tyler walks up next to me.

"Everyone, this is my younger sister, Y/n." He puts his arm around me, I raise my eyebrow and smirk, pulling his arm off of me. I hear people chuckle, making me ease a little bit. "Wow, okay." He walks away, back to his little group. I see a table, filled with different foods and drinks. I walk over and grab a plastic cup, then it's taken away from me. "I'll get that for you, what do you like?" I look up and see a tall, blonde haired man, smiling.

"I'll take the punch." I smile. "Thank you." I take the full cup from him, taking a sip.

"I'm Joey, by the way." He puts his hand out, I shake his hand and nod. "You are?"

"Y/n." He gets his own drink. Then, I hear Mark calling me. "I'll be back." I set my drink down on the table and he nods. I walk to Mark. "Yeah?" He turns around and smiles. Making me smile.

"First, you look absolutely amazing." My cheeks tint pink and I thank him. "Secondly, I wanted to introduce you to everybody. This is Kathryn, she's a part of the team now." I see a black haired woman, with brown eyes and glasses. I greet her. "This is Matthias," He points to a man with bleached hair. "with his brother-in-law, Bryan." He points to  a taller man with black hair and tan skin. "Joey is over there, you've met him. That's Matthias' brother." I look behind me and see Joey on his phone. "This is Aaron and Suzy." He points to a man with long brown hair with a streak of blonde and a woman with matching hair. "Finally, that's Danny." He points to a tall, slim man with curly hair.

Everything was going really well. I made tons of new friends and got a lot more followers on Instagram. Ha. Joey was showing me a video of him, Matthias, Bryan, Mark, and Tyler. The three brothers had a YouTube channel called Team Edge. The video was called the Best Friend challenge. Or something like that.

It was actually really funny. I cringed at the fact that Tyler put DragonBall Z as a cartoon. "Anyways, that's the whole video. But, there are so many more." He puts his phone away smiling. I felt eyes on me the whole time, I look around and see Ethan staring at us. When I caught him, he looked away. He did look really nice though. I guess that's something that won't be solved.
So, I have writer's block. I can't think of anything to write. If I do, it'll be shit. I have the chapter for this Friday pre-written so, that will go up like usual. But, the chapter for next Tuesday may or may not be delayed. I'm so sorry but anyways, see 'ya guys on Friday.

BUH-BYE! *winks*

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