s i x t e e n

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I. Am. Deceased.
Mark's POV
It's almost been three weeks since the incident. She left. Ever since then, it's been really good. Everyone's been happy. No one really had any complaints. We were all going to go watch some scary movie that Ethan picked out. We were all waiting for Y/n at the door. She rushes down, crashing into us. Luckily, Tyler caught her. She put her shoes on and we walk out, getting into the car.

We decided to sneak in candy and snacks since the theatre charges so much. As we were watching the movie, I looked over and Y/n wasn't even watching the movie. She was eating a sandwich. I chuckled quietly. She looked at me furrowed her brows, mayo on her lips. I pointed to the screen, she had a look of embarrassment on her face. She forgot we were watching a movie. She shrugs and continues eating.

Finally, a jump scare came. I felt someone lean into me. I look down and see Y/n, she looks up at me. I smile at her. I put my arm around her, knots instantly growing in my stomach. I felt colour cover my cheeks as she nuzzled herself into my side.

The rest of the movie went by like that. It wasn't even scary anymore. It's was just there. When the lights came back on, Y/n and I quickly separated. I frowned, knowing that I won't be like that for a while. We walked out. Y/n and I made eye contact, slightly frowning at each other. Tyler started up a conversation with her, she plastered on a fake smile.

Y/n's POV
I didn't want to be talking with Tyler right now. I wanted to be with Mark. I thought I had gotten over him. I thought it had just been a high school crush. Turns out, I was wrong. He still is that same, amazing guy I had fell in love with. He still has that smile that can make you melt. His voice is so silky, and tickles your ears. His eyes are still that same chocolate brown that I had fell in love with. I'm still in love with him. I looked at him, he looked at me. He smiled, his cheeks tinting pink. I smile back with colour over my cheeks. God he's amazing. I thought to myself. "Y/n?" Tyler breaks me out of my thoughts. "Huh? Sorry." He shakes his head.

"It's alright. But, did you like the movie?" Well, you see Tyler. I wasn't even watching so, how the fuck would I know. "Yeah. It was good." I smiled. We saw Ethan being carried by Mark, bridal style. "Crankiplier away!" I say, everyone chuckles. We reach the car and Mark puts Ethan down, play fighting with him. A smile goes across my lips.

As Tyler drove home, my eyelids began to get heavy. Who knew a movie could take this much out of you. Well, uh... some parts of it? Sleep began to take over and leaned back into my chair.

I woke up in a bed. I look to my left. It was my room. How did I get here? I thought. I heard someone stirring beside me. I look to my right and see Mark. He squints, yawning. "Hey." His tired voice was so course. My ovaries exploded. Hold on. "Hey. Uh...how'd I get here?" He turns to me, the comforter moved showing his bare shoulders and muscular arms. I gulped, colour covering my cheeks.

"I saw you were asleep and we still needed to drop Kat and Ethan off. So, I told Tyler that I would carry you in after he drops us first." My lips make an 'o' shape. God, his voice was so sexy. "But. Uh." I started. "Why are you in my bed?" He smiles to himself.

"I. Uh. Was too tired to walk back to my room. Also, I wanted to cuddle with you." His cheeks cover with colour. Mine do too. I smile to myself. I scoot closer to him. He wrapped his arms around me. I listened to his heartbeat. It got so much faster as I was next to him. I put my hand on his chest, signalling him to relax. He did so. I then realized, he was only in his boxers. I felt my face heat up. He kissed the top of my head, softly. I look up at him. "Y'know, your tired voice is pretty sexy." He smirks, leaning into my ear. "Looks like you'll be hearing it more often." He started kissing my neck, making me melt.

He stopped soon after. I went back to listening to his heart. It was so much better than any music ever created. I looked back up at him, he looked down at me. This time, I focused on his chins. I started messing with one of many. He laughed. God, his laugh is so contagious. I stopped tickling his chin, he then kissed my forehead. I smile to myself, he makes me look back up at him again with his thumb and finger underneath my chin.

He was going to kiss my lips, he instead went for my cheek. I internally frowned. He put his arm back around me, then said "Goodnight, Y/n." I replied. "Goodnight, Mark."

More like, 'Goodnight, person I want to have my babies with'. Okay, maybe a bit too overboard.

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