t h i r t e e n

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Y/n's POV
I was home alone with Chica, since everyone else went to the office to work. I walked into Mark's recording room. The memory hit me. When I was in his embrace. It's was so perfect. I still didn't know why I kept thinking of him like that. I mean, he has Amy. But, does Amy really want to be with him? My thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell going off.

I jogged to the front door. When I opened it, I saw a package on the doorstep. I picked it up, it said Mark's name on the top. I walk back and place it on the counter. I decide to go for a walk. I grab Chica's leash, and put my shoes on. I put her leash on and walk out the door. I lock it, using the keys Mark gave me the day we arrived.

I began walking, Chica was really happy. Of course, she left behind "treasures" for me to pick up. We came across a dog park. I decided to go in. I let Chica of her leash, but she didn't go anywhere. I sat down on the bench, Chica followed. I guess she's shy. I thought. A dog ran up to her, playfully. They started playing. The other dog was a German Shepherd. It came up to me. I read the tag on its collar. It read 'Jack' So, it is a boy. I started to pet him, then a man ran up to us. "There you are, Jack." He started petting him.

He was well built. He had luscious brown hair, slicked back. His eyes were a dreamy hazel. His biceps showed well in the baseball tee he was wearing. He showed his perfectly aligned teeth through a smile. He saw me, smiled a little bit more, and then sat next to me. "Sorry about Jack." I slightly chuckle, so does he. "I'm John Barton. You are?" He held his hand out, I shook his hand and gave off a smile.

"Y/n." He nods. Chica comes running towards me. She jumps onto my lap and I begin petting her. John does too. "Sorry, she's just really playful." He smiles, shaking his head. "No worries. Also, what's her name?" She jumps off. Going to play with Jack. "Chica." I reply. He nods.

"How long have you had her?" I look at him, my lips slightly parted. "Oh, uh. She's actually one of my friend's dog. I just met her recently." His lips make an 'o' shape and he nods. "How long have you had Jack?" He smiles to himself.

"I rescued him two years ago." Wow. Did he actually rescue him? I guess he caught me pondering, because he then asked. "You don't believe me, do you?" He chuckles. I tilt my head. "Well, he was a stray. I saw him walking on the street, looking for some food. I saw he had cuts and wounds all over his body. Then, I saw him get hit by a car." I gasped. "I ran over to him and took him to my office. Before you ask, yes, I am a veterinarian." Well, damn. He's a hot doctor. "I took him there and fixed him up. When I was going to let him go, he didn't leave my side. So I decided to keep him." I smiled. "That was actually such an amazing story." He shrugged.

"I'd think so." I got up from the bench. He followed. "Where are you going?" He asked, worryingly. "Home." I replied.

"W-Well maybe we can walk together? Where do you live?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "Mayfield Crescent." I saw his face light up. "I live on that street too! We can walk together!" He cheered. I chuckled. We called the dogs over and got them on their leashes. We left the dog park and began walking home. "So, have you always lived in LA?" I shake my head. "No. I recently moved from Cincinnati."

"I'm actually from Cincinnati too. Wait. Did you go to Milford High School?" I stopped. He was this John Barton. I looked at him. How did I not notice before? So many memories came back.

I was trying to make it out of school unharmed. I placed my skateboard down, trying to get on. I was pulled off by John. Fear filled my eyes. His two best friends came up and took my bag. They threw out everything. One of them threw my skateboard, breaking it. I begged and begged for it to stop. It didn't. Instead, I was slapped. I sat there, on the ground crying. Everyone just watching. No one did anything.

I heard people running towards me. John and his friends ran away. Tyler and Wade came up to me. I was a mess. All because of him.
*Flashback end*

I ran. I ran back home as fast as I could. I heard him calling my name. I didn't turn around. I sat down on a short brick wall, trying to catch my breath. I heard a dog running. I look to my left and see Jack barking. Shit. I thought to myself. I soon saw him running. "Y/n. Please hear me out." He said, catching his breath. I stood up, tears welling up. "No. You did enough in high school. Just leave me the fuck alone." I started walking, wiping my tears. I heard him behind me. "No, please. Hear me out." He kept repeating that the whole way home. When I walked in, I saw Mark standing there.

"Who was that guy?"

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