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Sorry! Late update!
Y/n's POV
The sun's ray beamed though the shades. I pry my eyelids open and see I'm in my room. How did I get here? I take off the comforter and see I'm still in my dress from last night. I drape my legs over the side of the bed, my head starts throbbing in pain. I slowly get up and walk to the washroom. "Ah, morning." Mark smiles, I give off a small smile. He furrows his brows. "What's wrong?" I lost my balance and Mark catches me, his chocolate brown eyes stare into my (e/c) ones. Our faces only inches away.

No! Stop it Y/n. You'll never be with him.

You're right.

I move away and begin to speak. "Uh, I have a really bad headache." He chuckles. I furrow my brows at him, confused.

"I see that the alcohol has gotten to you?" Alcohol? Gotten to me? He saw that I was still confused and continued to speak. "You have a hangover. Don't you remember last night?" I shake my head. He pulls out his phone. He shows me a video of a drunk me. I've never had alcohol, then how was I drunk? I realized what happened. My eyes widen, then I saw me kiss Ethan. Thankfully it was on the cheek. The video ended. "Mark." I said, quietly. He looks at me. "I think Joey spiked my drink." His eyes go wide.

"W-What? No. How c-" I cut him off.

"I only had one drink and it was punch. I set it down next to him and walked up next to you. He's the only one who could make me drunk. Other wise, I wouldn't have touched alcohol." His jaw dropped. Then, he pulled me into his embrace. I hugged back. It was so welcoming. Something you want to live for. It was amazing. But, it ended. He pulled away, his cheeks tinted pink. He looked down, then back at me.

"I've known him for a while and I would have never thought he would have done this." He rubs the back of his neck. "You know what?" I look up at him. "Let's not tell anyone about this. Especially Tyler. He'll try and kill the guy." I quietly chuckle and nod. "Alright. Be safe." I nod again and he walks away. I decide to wash up.

I walked downstairs for breakfast. I saw the whole table set up with eggs and bacon. (If you're a vegetarian than make something up. Sorry!) A smile goes across my lips as I walk over. I trip over something and Mark catches me. Our cheeks tint pink and I slowly get up. "S-Sorry." I say quietly, taking my seat. Amy gets up and walks away. She began to speak. "I'm gonna' go out today. Just call me if you need anything." Mark opened his mouth to speak but, she walked away before he could do anything. He quietly sits down and begins eating.

"I'm telling you," Tyler begins. "You need to break up with her. She's cheated on you so many times in the past." She has? "Who knows how much she will now." I was in awe. I thought they were the perfect couple. Maybe not after all.

"But, Tyl-" He cuts Mark off.

"No 'But, Tyler.' Just break up with her, and if you say you love her. You don't. I can tell." Mark just quietly sits there. Then, nods. I quickly finish my breakfast and put away my dishes. I take Chica into the backyard and let my thoughts consume me.

Amy's POV
"Thanks, Babe. I have to get back to this shit now." I kiss him and begin gathering my stuff. I get out of the car and wave him off. He drives away and I walk up to the door. I unlock it and walk in. I'm greeted by Mark. "Hey, are you okay?" I nod, giving off a fake smile. He walks away, I roll my eyes. Why do I still want to be with him? Why do I still care about him? Why am I worried if Y/n gets close with Mark, if I'm already with someone else? Do I want to leave him? No. Then, why am I still with someone else? I don't know. I'm not leaving Mark, I leaving the other. It's final.

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