Reading (1986)

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Abby smith POV

"Now class, be quiet." The teacher snapped at them. I glanced up from the book I was reading, deemed the class unimportant and went back to reading.

"Ms. Smith! Put that book away." Ms. Rose practically yelled at me. Well, even on a Friday and the day before vacation, she's still the meanest person on the face of this earth.
I put my book 'away' or in my lap so I could read more. I traced the fancy gold writing The Little Princess. My favorite book ever. Imagine, pretending you were rich and the finding out it was real.

"Shall I give the monkey to the Lascar then?" Sara asked. "Well, how do you he is a Lascar?" The elderly man asked. Sara smiled, handing the monkey over. "Oh, I know Lascars, I was born in-" The book slammed shut.

"Abigail Smith! I told you to put that book away!" Ms. Rose grabbed it. "Its mine now."
I glared at her, "When can I have it back?" I asked, "The end of the day, like normal?"
She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Yes, Abby, the end of the day. As usual." She walked away, in her ridiculous high heels.
When enough time had passed, [about twenty seconds] I pulled out A Dog's Purpose, my second favorite book.

'I yawned and scratched at an itch on my jaw. "Well, are you going to kiss me or what?" The girl asked. Ethan went to give her a long hug.
He dropped his cane.'
The bell rang and I shoved my book in my bag and ran out, grabbing The Little Princess from Ms. Rose's desk.

"Abby! Get back here, I need to talk to you." She called after me.

I replied with a middle finger and ran even faster. She probably would have run after me, but her tight red dress prevented her from moving at any pace faster than a walk. I ran around a sharp corner and slid straight into the old man with white hair.

"Sorry" I said, but he growled at me. He GROWLED!
_______time skip to orphanage_________

I ran towards the tall brick house that had kids playing in the front yard, dodging past girls playing jump rope and hopscotch.
"Hey Abby," Miss Katie, a tall women wearing a white blouse and a black skirt, the headmistress, called to me, causing me to stop.

"Yes ma'am?" I asked politely.
In reply she smiled, "you can go explore the island more." I beamed at her and ran up the stairs to my room tossing a quick "thank you Miss!" over my shoulder. I jumped into my room, landing on my bed and startling my two roommates, Hannah and Lydia. "What's the hurry Abby? Got a hot date?" Hannah teased.

"" I laughed, "just going to explore some."

I grabbed my bag of stuff and a white envelope and ran out the door.
"Bye..." they yelled after me.

"Stay out of too much trouble Abby." Miss. Katie said as I sprinted past her.

"Me, trouble? Never." I teased. She knows I get in trouble, a lot.


"Always Miss."
I know A Dogs Purpose is not a 1986 book, but I love it, so it's in the story!

Word count: 557

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