First dates are awkward

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Abby Smith POV
Soon enough, the day of the date came. Horace said to meet him on the beach after Ms. Peregrine let us go free. As soon as the words left her mouth, I ran off. I was a few minutes late, the Bird wanted to talk to me after she walked us down to the town. As soon as my feet hit the sand, I spotted Horace standing with his back to the coast.

Very gracefully, I ran to him and leap into his arms, him spinning me around. NOT! I slipped on the uneven ground and did a complete face plant, causing my hair to spread everywhere, and sand to enter my mouth.
I rolled over and coughed up sand, ridding my mouth of the worst evil known to humankind. Laughing, I stood up, Horace staring at me before collapsing in a laughing fit too. Finally, when we finished acting like three year olds, he pulled me in a direction. After about two minutes of walking in awkward silence, I spoke.

      "Where are we going?" My voice seemed to echo off the dunes and the waves. Horace stopped in front of a little blanket on the dunes.

      "Here," He smiled at me, and helped me sit down. I was confused, he said the cafe right? He pulled a basket to the middle of the blanket, pulling out small sandwiches and chips, a small pound cake and two small bottles filled with water. I smiled as he fixed a plate of food for me.

      "Thank you, Horace." I said, eating the food with my mouth. (Because what else would she eat with) After we finished eating, we put the dishes back in the basket, cleaning up. He ran to the shore, pulling me behind him.

    "So...Abby, what's your favorite color?" He asked awkwardly. I laughed and spun, my dress spinning along with me.
"Aqua. Yours?" He looked at me for a second.

"Purple" Engaging in small talk, we kept walking towards the loop, making it back before dinner.

Dress on top or to the side.
Word count: 3 5 3

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