There is a bomb falling right on top of my new house

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"So, Abby? Are you ready for the reset?"
Horace asked, walking with me to a clearing.

"Yes, I'm ready for something that I have no clue about." I rolled my eyes at him, my voice oozing with sarcasm. My hair lit up in the dark, almost like a beacon.

I stood with him and Enoch as everyone pulled out a gas mask. Miss Peregrine handed me one and I put on my face. Once everyone put on theirs she started playing a song and held up a clock.  Already dark, rain started to fall and it thundered and lightninged. I started to fidget, I don't like the dark, I have a fear of the dark.

A plane or two flew over the house and continued to fly. Another clump of planes flew over the house and one released a bomb that fell in toward to the house, I glanced at everyone else, they seemed calm. I figured it was safe for us. Miss Peregrine did something with the clock, and the rain paused and fell in reverse toward the clouds. The music played backwards sounding like gibberish. The sun rose and fell, and when it stopped, it was a dark clear night. Everyone took of their gas masks, and I did the same.

"How was that Abby?" Enoch asked, he had felt me fidget.
"It was good, can I go inside now?" I spoke really fast.

He nodded and I ran inside. Once inside my room, I cleaned off and put on a nightgown. The light inside my room turned off, but I made little balls of light appear on the ceiling and take different shapes. A dragon, made completely of light, raced around the ceiling and calmed me to sleep.
"Let's play hide and seek Abby." A beautiful women with long blond hair and bright blue eyes suggested.
My six year old self smiled at her. "Ok Mommy!"
"Honey, don't you think it's time for Abby to go to bed? " A man with black hair wrapped his arm around Mommy's waist.
"But Daddy-" I protested. He smiled down at me, and I knew I had to go to bed.
He picked me up and held me over his shoulders. I laughed until he threw me on my small bed, "But Daddy, I'm not tired." As soon as I finished that, I yawned.
Mommy walked in carrying a rag doll with her, she set the doll beside me and tucked me, giving me a kiss and walking out. "Goodnight sweetie." Daddy said before following Mommy out of my room.
I 'woke up' a few hours later, hearing loud bangs go through the house. I tiptoed downstairs as quietly as I could, seeing Mommy and Daddy lying on the floor. Crimson blood-their blood- pooling around them. Two men dressed in all black stood over them with a gun, still pointed at my parents. I ran to my bedroom and hid underneath my bed, shaking with tears.
Somehow, I knew that the men would find me, and they did, pulling my shaking form out under my bed. One pointed his guy at me, and suddenly, I could see his face. Enoch was staring back at me from behind the gun, the other person just stood there, in the shadows.
The gun went off with a bang. I screamed, in terror and pain. *

I woke up with a start. My heart was racing, and I was covered with sweat. I pulled myself out of my bed, and looked out of the window. The moon was right in the center of the night sky. It's midnight, but I'm not tired. I take 'Romeo And Juliet' and begin reading.
I read for the rest of the night, and I never took my eyes off the book.

*knock knock*

"Abby? It's time to wake up, it's breakfast time." A male voice, heavy with sleep called from outside my door.
"Give me a second." I said quietly, beginning to get dressed. I took the black long sleeve and pulled my hair into a simple, but elegant braid.
I took my purple dress, and hung it back up, the reset had cleaned it. I walked out, ready for the day.

Word count: 704

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