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No one POV

Barren walked out of the room where Abby was sleeping. He turned to the other wrights.
        "Did it work? Are her memories locked away and replaced? Did she agree without too many questions?" Sam asked excitedly. Tom smiled, an evil smile.
       "It did! She doesn't remember the other peculiars, and she agreed to help us get rid of them. Thank god that you can control minds." Tom's smile widened. "Locking her memories and replacing them was a brilliant idea. That way she is in control of her choices, but we can manipulate her into thinking that we are her family and we need her help. Won't it be a shock when the peculiars see her?"
      The wrights nodded and went into the room with the ymbrynes. All different types of birds stared at them. A beautiful peregrine falcon watched their every movement.

     "Our plan is almost done. This is purrfect." The women, Louisa, purred.

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