I might die?

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Abby smith POV
     I woke early, scared from a dream that I don't remember. Judging by the moon, it was around 03:00. Even though I was tired, I couldn't fall back to sleep. So, I walked to my bookshelf and picked a informational book on what I am.

(Outside of the book, the book)
Opening the book, caused a faint glow, as though lights were embedded into it.
Sunshine Peculiars

      Sunshine peculiars AKA sunlight peculiars are very odd peculiars. Conditions have to be perfect for them to be born. First, a wright must be the father, and a light peculiar must be the mother. Second, the child must be born on an eclipse, and third, the parents must be murdered. There have only been six recorded sunlight peculiars, but there may be more in hiding.

      I gasped. My father was a wright. I had only heard stories about the fearsome people who craved immortality and killed millions of peculiars. I'm a child of a murderer.

     Now, sunlight peculiars, are weaker in the night, and they crave the sunlight. In the dark of night, sleep comes for them rarely and dreams if any are strange. Now there is something different about these people. Turn to page 117

      I turned to page 117.


     Every hundred years, a solar eclipse happens in each and every loop. On these occasions, the solar eclipse causes these special peculiars to feel different. They feel weak, and every sunlight peculiar dies on a solar eclipse. Sunlight peculiars live off of light. When the solar eclipse happens, the peculiars get deadly sick. The sickness starts as a simple cold, and then progresses to a deadly cough. Death comes to the unfortunate person as the moon fully covers the sun.

שבת חוט ליון פלס טון

this sentence was found clutched in the hands of one passed peculiar. No person could figure out what it said.

As I stared at the sentence, the symbols rearranged and formed letter. My eyes widen in shock. That's the big secret? Really? Feeling shocked, I fell asleep.

Word count: 369
I know this story is really bad, a girl at my school told me that. If you don't like it, just stop reading then.

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