Instead of falling for a guy, I fell because of one

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Abby Smith POV

  Enoch led me down the stairs and into the dinner room. "We're right on time." Enoch checked his watch.

Everyone looked up at us as we walked into the dinner room. "Ahh, Ms. Smith, has everyone met Ms. Smith?" Miss. Peregrine asked everyone. They all nodded, some smiling, and the others just continued eating.

"You can seat by Horace tonight Abby, and I'll allow you all to ask questions tonight, and only tonight during dinner." She said.

I sat beside Horace, and he looked at my dress,
"Nice dress." He said, smiling.

"Thanks, Enoch said you picked it out. It's really pretty, thank you." I said blushing.

Why am I blushing?
Stop blushing!

"What is your peculiarity Abby? You know all of ours." Olive asked curiously.
"Ummm, I don't know for sure, but I think it's light." When I said that, I got weird looks.

"Is that why your hair is glowing?" Claire asked sweetly. She's so cute. She put a piece of meat at the back of her head, and a few seconds later, brought the bone back, with no meat on it.

"I believe so." I said gently.

Emma looked at me strangely, "Can you prove that your peculiarity is Light?"
     I shrugged, then focused on the light bulbs. I imagined the light getting brighter than dimming almost fully. The lights flickered a few times then grew dim then they returned to their original state.

    "Cool." Millard who I think was beside Emma whispered in awe. The other kids nodded, except for Enoch who just smirked at me.

     "It's okay I guess. I can dim the lights. Meh." I shrugged off the praise.

    "Well, children, you can go play outside, instead of Movie time." Miss Peregrine said, in a little annoyed tone.

I guess she got annoyed at all the questions.

    "Abby! Come on!" Millard grabbed my hand, somehow getting over beside me in a second. He pulled me outside, ignoring my protests.
Hugh ran beside him and Horace followed, maybe wondering where they were taking me.
"Horace! Help me!" I called out dramatically.
He laughed and shook his head.

"Millard, let go of me," even as I spoke, I knew it was a lost cause.
"Nope! You're coming with Hugh and I." I think he was smirking.

   The sleeves on my dress started to move upward, and I smoothed them down, before anyone noticed.

"Okay, Abby, we wanted to tell you, RUN!" Millard shouted right in my ear, startling me and causing me to fall.

I jumped up, and saw the clothes Millard was wearing running beside me.

"Why are we running?" I panted.
"We're playing tag, just don't look back, Horace gets to be IT today." He explained.

I dodged past a bush in the shape of an odd animal or something. Making my way to a clump of bushes towards the side of the house.
Maybe I can hide in the bushes.
I glanced back, and noticed that Horace was right on my heels. He reached for me and grabbed my arm, pulling me back towards him. He fell, causing me to fall, so I ended up falling on top of him. Thankfully, it was not in the mud.

"Aww." Hugh said looking at us. "Look at the two lovebirds."
I knew I was blushing like crazy.
"I'm sorry Abby. I didn't mean to make you fall." Horace apologized, also blushing.

"Hey! You two! Get a ROOM!" Millard whisper shouted.
I stood up, brushing the dirt from my dress. "You okay Horace?" I asked concerned.
"Yeah, I'm fine, maybe we should go find the others, it's almost time for the reset." When Horace said that, I got really confused.

"What's a reset?" I asked puzzled.
"It's a-" Hugh started explaining, but then was cut off because of Millard.
"You'll find out soon." I nodded when he said that.

Word count: 649

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