Who do you think you are?

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Abby Smith POV

    "Weee!!!!" I ran at breakneck speed through the forest, only stopping once I hit a clearing.
A ruined mansion stood there. "Cool..." I whispered. I climbed over a pile of rubble to access the stairs. "Is this the children's home I heard about? The one that was bombed a long time ago?" I climbed up the stairs to the second floor.
  "Who lived in this room?" It was filled to the brim with dolls and other weird doll like creatures. Dusty broken jars of body parts, including hearts. "Eww," I opened one jar and reached into it.

    "Don't touch that." A male voice said behind me.
"Ahhh!" I screamed, dropping the jar, it didn't break, it just rolled on the floor, stopping at a black haired male standing in the doorway.
"And who do you think you are?" He asked, quite rudely.

   "A girl whose leaving now. Ahaha buh-bye!" I said and jumped out the window. Skidding off the roof, I noticed more kids searching the house.

Great, today of all days, they come to this house-wait a second, I've never seen them before, and their clothes look like their from the 1930s.

    "Hey! Look on the roof!" A cute curly haired girl around the age of seven or younger shouted and pointed at me.
The first thing I did was jump into the nearest tree and slid down it. A young boy around seven or eight stood waiting for me and he grabbed my shoulder.
"Ow!" He said shocked.

I guess he found that when people touch me, I release a strong static shock. I can't control it, it just happens. Anyway, he let go of me and I ran off into the woods. I ran all the way to the beach, only stopping when I found a cave and was able to duck inside it. A dim light shone from the back.

  Me, being me, did not see if the kids were still following me, I just ran into the light. (But I didn't die, it wasn't that light)
A mansion stood there, not the ruins like before, but a real giant house. A tall women in a navy blue/black outfit stood in front of it.
    "Ms. Smith" she spoke, "Welcome. You got my letter then?" I nodded. "And your headmistress knows then?" I hesitated but then shook my head no. "You snuck away?" She smiled.
I shook my head again. "Miss. Katie let me go, but I'm not going back."

   She nodded. "Good. I am Miss. Peregrine, the ymbryne of this loop."

   "Yes ma'am, and you already know me. Will you show me to my room?"
A girl who I would say around nine or so ran up.

     "Abigail, I am busy, but Fiona here will show you to your new room." Miss Peregrine turned and walked off.

    Fiona smiled at me. "Hello, I'm Fiona, you must be new here."

I nodded, "Yea, I'm new here, I'm Abby. Your the girl that can control the earth in different ways right?"

Her smile grew even more, "Yea! That's me! Come on."

     She lead me to the stairs and showed me a room that had pale walls and a black bed. There was a black bookcase filled with books, a dark vanity with a round mirror, and a simple back wardrobe with one green dress, one purple dress, two blue dresses, and three black dresses.
   "There's a drawer or two for undergarments and other stuff like that." Fiona said, startling me. "Do you like your new room Abby?" She sounded so hopeful, I would have to guess she picked it out.
    "Oh Yes! It's amazing." I spoke, running my fingers over the books. Moby Dick, Boxcar Children, The Secret Garden, The Little Princess, Shakespeare. All sorts of things. I place A dogs Purpose down beside Hamlet.

      "Perfect," I never noticed Fiona left the room until I started to ask "What time is din- oh, she's gone."
I went to the vanity and focused on the mirror, and the edges started to glow slightly. Once I figured the room was bright enough, I opened the envelope.

Word count: 695

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