MJ Fantasy Country Doctor, City Life...How Can Anyone...

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Country Doctor, City Life...How Can Anyone Get Use To It?

Tag line: “You Can Take The Doctor Out Of The Country But Not the Country Out Of The Doctor.”

Michael Jackson is a 3rd generation country doctor. Raised where people knew everyone and cared for each other. Neighbors got sick, the town pitched in to help no matter how small or how big they helped.  The little town of Los Olivos had hit hard times and people were moving away so the town only had 100 familes from 500 before the big city sprung up and expanded squeezing out the farms and smaller ranches in the area. This made Michael sad but he too had no choice but to move to where he thought he could do the most good. Michael applied for and got the job as assistant pediatrician at Children’s Hospital of Greater Los Angeles. Once there, he found everyone was in too much of a hurry…”Get them in and get them out” was the way of the facility. No one seemed to care about anyone or anything. It was just a pay check to them. Then a new nurse is hired to the hospital. She was kind and loving but still carried herself with the hurry up and go mentality. She smiled rarely but when she did wow. Michael was in awe of her smile. Her name was Michelle Wilson. All the male nurses flirted with her but she couldn’t be bothered. She was all business. Then one day, Oscar Mendez is admitted to the hospital, an orphan who had just lost his parents in a fire he himself barely escaped. Michael was his treating doctor and Michelle the nurse in charge. Both had very different views of how to care for little Oscar and they butted heads over them. Watch as the sparks of anger turn to sparks of passion. Will Michael win more than he bargined for? Michael gets so frustrated with the city life he’s ready to explode, Can Michelle defuse his exploxion or will she help him erupt? Do they have more in common then they care to admit? Guess that will be answered in time…..that’s if ….they don’t kill each other first….


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