Country Life

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Dr. Jackson; Pauline, will you send in the next patient please?

Pauline; Sure Dr. Jackson. Walking to the reception area.

Mr. Jackson; Now, Lily sweetie, you know you can’t eat all that sugar. Smiling

Lily; Yes, Dr. Jackson. I’m sorry, Billy said it would be okay but now I feel awful.

Dr. Jackson; Well, forget Billy sweetie, he shouldn’t have told you that. Tell your mommy, to give me a call. I want to increase your insulin but she needs to know to what dose okay?

Lily; Okay Dr. Jackson.  She jumps off the exam table hugs him and leaves the room

Pauline. Ms. Riley! Come on in. Dr. Jackson will see you now. Smiling

Ms. Riley: Thank you. She smiles and walks by Pauline.

Dr. Jackson; Ms. Riley, How are you today, What seems to be the trouble? Here. Come into exam room 3. He smiles.

Ms. Riley: Okay, she walks in as he closes the door, Well, I think it’s my back again. I picked up the heavy feed at the store the other day. Forklifts down and you know Phill’s family has moved away now since the damn city is moving closer in. I haven’t….OUCH!!

Dr. Jackson; Sorry, Ms. Riley. Yes, looks like that slipped disc again. I am going to have Sam do an X-ray on your back. I want to see just how bad the damage is and if it’s something that I can fix easily or need more specialized care.

Ms. Riley: You think so? Man alive! I hope it’s an easy fix. You know I can’t afford to be laid up from work. Frowning.

Dr. Jackson: I know Ms. Riley but your health is most important. If you make it worse there will be more time away from work. Right?

Ms. Riley; nodding, I know you’re right but why now when most of the town has moved away. Los Olivos use to be such a wonderful place to live. Clean, lots of families, now, shaking head, it’s turning into a ghost town. Did you know the Peterson's, Mackenzie's and Phillips’ are all leaving at the end of the week?

Dr. Jackson; I heard about the Peterson's, in fact Jim came for their medical records yesterday, but no. I didn’t know about the others. I even had an offer on my ranch but, I’m not selling. 2,700 acres, no way. They will destroy it with more concrete jungles. But…sighing… anyway. Let’s get you better first okay. Go down the hall tell Sam I need the x-ray stat. Then come see me in two day. I want you down Ms. Riley for two days rest. This way you don’t make it much worse and I have to send you to Santa Barbara for more extensive care.

Ms. Riley: Okay…reluctantly. Thank you Michael. Winking

Dr. Jackson. Giggling. Welcome Anne..winking back.


Paul Anderson;  Dr. Jackson!! Michael!! How are you? Is it true Anne is down for a few days?

Michael; Yes Paul. She should be back soon if she listens to me. Smiling

Frank Di.Leo: Anne? Do what anyone tells her? Laughing.

Michael; giggling. It’s not that bad. Smiling

Paul. If you say so doc…shaking his head. Well it’s good to see you.

Michael; You too Paul.

Frank; See you Michael…Oh! Hey! I forgot, Did you hear about Sally Timmons? Seems she’s been down with the flu and she has no phone anymore. The turned it off two days ago. My wife went to see her, took her soup but…shaking his head. Can you go check on her on your way home Michael?

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