Michael's Leaving

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Michael carries out his duties the last two days of the week for him. then he gets a note saying little Oscar Mendez has taken a turn and he is needed down in the burn unit. He didn’t know that Michelle got one too. The nurses were planning something and didn’t tell them about it. Michael heads to the burn unit. Michelle from another area heads there too.

Both arrive there at the same time. They see each other and freeze a bit. Nurse Ross sees them and intervines quickly.

Nurse Ross; Dr. Jackson, Ms Wilson, Oscar took a turn for the worse. He won’t wake up. He acts very groggy but no reason for it.

They all walk in to the room little Oscar is sleeping or faking he is but he’s helping the nurses try to get them to talk.

Michael; Oscar, let’s see what’s happening here..

Ms. Wilson; Oscar, can you tell us what you are feeling.

Oscar; Openiing his eyes, looking at both of them…YOU…lo…ve…ea..ch…ot…her…sto..p…be..ing…stu..pid..peo…ple…

Michael looked at him frustrated and up at everyone else. Michelle too. She looked at Michael and looked down. Michael looked at Nurse Ross and at Oscar.

Michael; Oscar, I told you it isn’t that simple. Are you feeling okay or do you really need us?

Oscar; But…it…is!! It is…now..You’re leaving…an…d….no..I’m okay, a tear slips from his eyes. I’m sorry..

Michelle froze, Michael’s leaving? She didn’t know that, no one told her. He’s leaving because of her she knows it. It’s her fault. Michael looks up and sees the surprise on her face. She didn’t know? Well, so what, what’s done is done. Why do I can she doesn’t love me anyway. Michael looks at Nurse Ross with a sad look, then back at Oscar,

Michael; How did you know that? He softens the sterness in his voice

Oscar; Everybody knows it. We do…wan…t ..yo…u to go…Dr. Jack…son…Plea…se…sta..y…his tears are mre severe.

Michael: We don’t need to talk about that. Okay? You just rest and please don’t call unless you really need to okay. So many others need my help too. I love you all but I can’t always be with one okay?

Oscar. O..kay Dr. Jack….son…I’m sorry…

Michael gets up and leaves the room without looking at anyone…heading to the elevator. He decides to leave a bit early for Neverland. He needed to think and the drive would help clear his head. Michael loved Michelle and it was clear she didn’t love him nor did she know or care to know he had plans to leave. Hell, she didn’t even stop him or say anything. What was he thinking? Driving home he felt more and more relaxed the closer he got to home. Even the air smelled different, cleaner. City people, city life. No one cares about each other, no one wants to help just because unless they benefit too… There it is Los Olivos. Home!!

Macauly; You’re home early?

Michael; Yes, Have so much to do here. You know? Smiling slightly as he pulls out his suitcase.

Macauly; Yeah, but…since when do you bring home your suitcases when you have plenty clothes here yet? What’s up?

Michael; Nothings shrugging. Just unpacking is all. How are the animals?

Macauly; They are doing good. I just got done with them. But…following Michael into the house…That doesn’t answer my question Michael. What happened? I know you…spill it bro…

Michael; There’s nothing to spill. I’m done. I will be home permanent in 6 weeks.

Macauly; Just like that?

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