Oscar's New Family, A Baby Is Born.... Finally....A Love Everlasting....

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When they returned back to work. They found that everyone was staring at them but the were happy for them. The atmosphere was great. The way they had wanted things to work for the patients was working. They saw that the numbers were great. The children were happy, feeling better and their treatments were seemingly working better too.

Little Oscar came running from his room up to both Michael and Michelle;

Oscar; DR.JACKSON! DR. JACKSON!!  MRS. JACKSON!! MRS. JACKSON!! He hugged them both.

Michael; Oscar look at you!! How are you little man?

Oscar; I’m good Dr. Jackson!! Are you staying now??

Michael; Yes we’re staying. Smiling.

Michelle; Are you feeling better Oscar?

Oscar; Yes Mrs. Jackson. The nurses took good car of me.

Michelle; Good, smiling.without thinking about it, Michelle reached up and caressed his face as a mother would. Michael saw and smiled and so did Oscar. He hugged her.

That night, Michael and Michelle were talking in general about their own baby coming soon and Michelle going out on maturnity leave, Michelle looked at Michael. Took his hands, kissed him.

Michelle; Michael baby?

Michael; Yes baby?

Michelle; Well, licking her lips, You know little Oscar Mendez has no one. They are going to send him to Foster care or an orphanage, and you know,

Michael; Baby, are you saying you want us to keep Oscar?

Michelle; Smiling, Baby, can we?? Please? I don’t want him to go to Foster Car.

Michael: He hugs her smiling, Yes baby!! I’d love that. I’ll look into it in the morning. .

Michelle; Thank you baby. I love you.

As promised Michael looked into it. And they found out that they could adopt Oscar as soon as 8 weeks. Oscar would be able to go home in 9 from the hospital and Michelle would be going out on Maturnity leave in 10 weeks so it all was perfect. They worked to make a room for Oscar in Neverland beautiful for him as well as Los Angeles. They are excited to have a new son and a baby on the way.

Their family in Los Olivos helped them get it all ready.The amusement park was almost all done and the community got together to help Michelle and Michael make it as they dreamed it would be.


Oscar; I’m going home with you Dr. Jackson?? Really?

Michael; You sure are! Ready?

Oscar; smiling but then looks down, a tear starts. My mommy and poppy are gone aren’t they. I have no one to love me.

Michael felt a stab to his heart. He knealed down Oscar, that’s not true. You have a family who loves you very much.

Oscar; tears rolling down his cheeks. Who? No body wants a Mexican boy. We’re dirty and I’m burned.

Michelle; No! Oscar, that’s not true. You are beautiful and you are coming home with Michael and I. We love you and have adopted you.

Oscar; I am going home with you really? Are you going to be my mommy and daddy?

Michael; Yes buddy, that’s what Michelle said. We have adopted you. Smiling his eyes glistened in tears too.

Oscar hugged both Michael and Michelle and they took him home with them. When they got to Neverland he could hardly contain himself. He ran to the house and looked at the room and was so excited they all laughed at how happy he was. Pauline made a cake for him.

Oscar; I love it!! I love you poppy and mommy, I’ll never forget you, but my new Mommy and daddy love me too and want me to be happy!! Good bye! He says and then he kisses the air and takes the photo of Michael and Michelle and kisses it. I love you holds it to his chest and sits on his bed playing with his toy Fire Engine.

Michael and Michelle had seen this and held each other with tears in their eyes, they let him get use to the room and the home and showed him the yard and animals and horses and even the amusement park in his own home. It didn’t take long for Oscar to adjust to the home and to Michael and Michelle being his new parents. He knew they loved him so much. Pauline now came with them when they were in Los Angeles to watch Oscar and Michelle cared for him when they were at Neverland. On days Michelle wasn’t able to care for him a neighbor would help out Oscar had a big family now and knew love and comfort to help him through getting better from his burns.

Michelle; Michael, it’s time!!

Michael; Oh my god!! Baby!! I’m on my way….he hung up the phone..

Nurse Ross; What is it Dr. Jackson? looking concerned.

Michael; It’s my wife. She’s going into labor early. She isn’t due for 3 weeks yet. He rushed out because he had a long drive to Neverland.

Nurse Ross; Congratulations Dr.!!

Michael rushed home to Michelle. She was sitting on the sofa holding her stomach and little Oscar was trying to help her rubbing her tummy,

Michael ran in picked her up told Oscar to hurry to the car, mommy was going to have a baby and soon he’d be the big brother. Pauline was there helping but she no longer was able to drive her eye sight wasn’t good enough and they didn’t approve her license. But she was still a big asset to them she helped get Oscar in the car and they took off to the hospital.



Dr. Simms; Congratulations Mrs. And Dr. Jackson, you have a beautiful little girl.

Michelle took the baby from the nurse, thank you Doctor. Smiling

Michael; Thank you doctor, he shook his hand turning to his baby girl and beautiful wife. Kissing both.

Michelle; Paris-Michael, Katherine, Shelby Jackson

Michael; Awwww…she’s beautiful baby. I love you both. His eyes filled with tears of joy

Pauline; Awww you did good Michael, Michelle, kissing them. Oscar, come meet your sister.

Oscar; I have a sister? Smiling he kisses the baby. Hugs her. I love you Paris.

They were a happy family. When they went home to Neverland two days later, the whole community was there. They had blankets and toys and diapers and food for them. A real country homecoming.

Michael and Michelle, knew staying in Los Olivos at Neverland was the wisest choice for them. There was a sense of peace, safety, calm and community. Real family atmosphere. Michael was in every way a country boy at heart too, caring, friendly, always willing to help. It just goes to show you that you can take the country boy out of the country but you can’t take the country out of the boy and for Michelle, that is exactly how she found her country doctor whom she loved more than anything. Michael was the man of her heart, country boy or not, he gave her everything just by loving her the way he did. Michael and Michelle raised their family with the belief of treating everyone like family. Be a good friend, a good neighbor and love the world around you. They may have lived in Los Angeles and Los Olivos but no matter where they were, they were home, a family and they had love.

The End…


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2014 ⏰

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