Michael's Decision, Big Move and Trouble from the Past Behind

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Pauline knew something was up with Dr. Jackson but out of respect for him she didn’t pry. She knew him well enough to know he’d tell her soon and they could deal with whatever it was then. She did as he asked her and called the patients. All who were relieved as they wanted to see Dr. Jackson soon. He was their comfort zone.

Michael walks inside his home and looks around. Taking in his beautiful ranch style home. Thinking, how can I just walk away? Go live in the city. Los Angeles is so busy, crazy. Everyone is in a hurry and really going nowhere. It’s about the prestige not the people. Things matter not people. But Michael wants desperately to help the children. He’d suffer anything to help them. Make a difference in their lives no matter how small it may be. Going to his stud where all his medical books and journals are he started to look through them and realized that thei

r books at the hospital were a bit outdated. How can they be offering the best care if their information is not up to date? This worried him so Michael decided these books were top priority to come with him. He pulled out some boxes he hand in his attic took out the contents that were in them and combined them elsewhere and went and packed up his medical library. Two boxes later he has what he truly will need for this job packed and then he goes up to his room. Again, looking around taking it all in. He packs seven suitcases of clothes to talk with him to the city. And then he goes on line to see if he can rent a furnished one bedroom. Finding five to check out he makes times when he can see them.

Pauline had already called his with the patients schedule and he had nothing for Wednesday so he was going to go looking at the apartments then. Walking out into the vast grounds of Neverland he took in the sights, sounds and smells. Watching as the sun began to set over the hills and as dusk came upon the land. Michael was lost in thought enjoying it all. How can there be anything more beautiful than what he sees right here. Smiling up at the sky, looking around Michael knows that this country is truly gods gift. He walks until after dark and just takes it all in, the changes from light to dark, the animals that come out only by the moonlight. Michael can hear the last of the birds settling in in the trees in their nests for the night and feels like he is in heaven. When he finally returns into his home he again takes it all in and sees a photo of his parents, his sister Janet and he as kids. They were so happy then. A soft smile touches his face at the sight and he is already homesick. Janet, he thinks, Michael knows he must call her. Tell her what he is doing. But, he knows she will feel bad he didn’t ask her to come home. How can he? She has a life in New York now and is doing very well. No way can he ask her to give up her dream for his. No, Michael decides this is something he must bear alone. Sitting down to watch television he finds a rerun of Little House on the Prarie and it soothes his troubled heart if only for a little while. Michael vows the city will never destroy the country boy in him. That is a big part of who he is and wants to always be.

Michael; Good morning Pauline. Smiling, how are you today?

Pauline; I’m good Dr. Jackson. We missed you yesterday, she says smiling

Michael; Smiling.. Michael. So how many today do I have waiting for me?

Pauline surprised he rarely asked her to call him Michael. We have 10 lined up for today Michael and two x-ray appointments.

Michael; Oh good. Has Frank Cascio called back about his insulin?

Pauline; No Michael he hasn’t.

Michael sighing, shaking his head. That man is going to drop dead before he will take his insuline. I swear. I can’t help him if he keeps eating nothing but sugar.

Pauline. Some men are stubborn. Smiling at Michael.

Michael; duely noted Pauline. He knew what she meant. She thinks he should settle down with a girl here and make lots of babies. Not that, that isn’t what he wants to do. Just hasn’t found the one. The real woman he came close to that with turned out to be a leech and he definitely doesn’t have time for or want and need that. So, he stayed focused on his work. Safer that way. Now moving to Los Angeles isn’t exactly a come to me ladies bell ringer either. Shaking his head. Just send in the first one okay.

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