An Uneasy Calm, Feels Stir

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Michael made it through the day with no more trouble. He went up to his office to get his briefcase and some documents on some patients care then made sure everything was locked and left saying good night to Ms. O’Neal as he did. Stepping into the elevator just as Ms. Wilson stepped out. He was in no mood to deal with her so he just nodded and got on the elevator. As he entered the parking lot. He remembered what he had done and felt bad. She had no car here. He pulled out of sight and watched for her. Michael is going to play it off like what the hell and give her a ride home.

Michelle comes walking out of the building to where her car should be and sees it’s not there. First the look on her face is disbelief, then anger, then frustration, then sadness like now what. Michael felt bad but she had pissed him off so bad this morning. What is it about this woman that ignites such reactions? Pulling up slowly Michael rolls his window down.

Michael; Need help?

Michelle; No, I got it. My car is gone. Shaking her head, she looked like she was about to cry.

Michael felt a tug at his heart. Then flinched like what? Look let me give you a ride home. It’s late and you are not going to find it tonight I don’t think. He says politely.

Michelle; I don’t live around here. I’m over the hill in the valley area.

Michael; The valley?

Michelle; Yeah, you know, the valley, Van Nuys, North Hollywood, the valley!

Michael; Oh, I guess, I’ve a lot to learn, I’m from Santa Barbara originally and don’t know this area well at all.

Michelle; Oh that explains why you thought I had two heads when I said valley. Look, thank you for the offer but if you’re not familiar with the area I don’t want you getting lost. Smiling softly.

Michael; It’s really no trouble, I just come back the same route I go in right? How hard can that be? Come on, let me take you home.It’s safer with that James guy on the loose.

Michelle. That made her look around. Well, okay, she got in the car fast. If you take this street here that’s Vermont all the way to Los Feliz you can catch the 5 fwy north but you’ll have to cirlc a bit. Or you can take Sunset to Highland and over which takes you to Ventura Blvd and that will take you into the valley’s South side and that’s the area of Van Nuys I live in. Right off Ventura and  Fulton Ave.

Michael; Okay. Sunset it is. Would you mind if I drop something by my place? I’m right up here off Sunset and Cherokee.

Michelle; Sure go ahead.

Michael went by his house and dropped off his briefcase and some groceries he had gotten during lunch break. Took him 7 minutes total and he was on his way to take Michelle home. They talked very little both were tired and not in the mood to fight. She had tears in her eyes and Michael thought it was over the car or the fact they constantly fight.


Why do I just want to take  her in my arms and hold her? I can’t get her off my mind. She hates me it’’s obvious so why the want, the need? God it must be just a sexual thing. Maybe if we have hot explosive sex it’ll go away?? Doubt it. Shaking my head I want her. My body aches for her but she pisses me off so bad. Why can’t she listen to reason and see what I am trying to do for the patients? Then I had her car towed. Jackson, you are a dick! Some gentlemen you are. She’s so beautiful. I really love her eyes, her smile is so bright, it would melt the hardest stone. Sighing forget it….


God this man is so sexy. If he wasn’t such a jackass maybe I’d be nicer to him. No, I’d let him touch me. I want so badly just to run my fingers through his hair, caress his sexy body. I can easily give in to him. But he’s so pig headed and stubborn. Why can’t he see I really do just want the best for the patients. These children are precious gifts and it’s our job to see they get the right care with no mistakes. All day long even though we fought I couldn’t stop thinking about his big brown eyes and long fingers. That means he’s got a big dick. What I wouldn’t give to have him inside me. Michelle; wtf? Are you that hard up? Not bloody likely girl…Forget the lust and get on with the job.shaking her head fighting back tears of frustration at this man, and the fact her car is gone and she has no idea what has happened to it. Did it get towed? Stolen? What?

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