Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Taehyung's POV

I wonder why everyone hates Narnia so much.

"Can I have one?" I pointed at an egg roll in her lunch.

"Sure, say 'ah'!" She said and I opened my mouth. We giggled as she put it inside my mouth.

"Mm. That's good. Did you make it?"

No reply. "Narnia? Narnia~" Still no reply. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she was looking at a group of girls who were whispering to each other. "What's wrong? Narnia?"

"Dude, you better stay away from her." Minjun said and poked my side.

"Aigo~, what are you saying hyung ('hyung' is how a younger boy would call an older boy that they're close with). She's so pretty and nice." I said and looked back at Narnia. "Especially her eyes, don't you think?"

"Well, yeah man she's pretty but, you wouldn't want to get very close to her." Joon-woo said too.

"Why?" I crossed my arms.

"Because..... Argh I don't have the heart to tell you." They both said and slumped down in their seats.

"Narnia." I touched her arm and she finally responded.

"O-oh! Sorry, um. I'll be going now. Eat the rest of my lunch if you'd like." She said and immediately stood up, running off.

That's weird. Why'd she run off like that?

I pulled her lunch closer and munched on some grapes, looking towards the cafeteria door where she had run out of.

- • - • - • -

Narnia's POV

I froze as I heard Mina's voice. "Ugh, look at that bitch giving food to Taehyung. And you know what, I think she can hear me right now so I'm going to warn her." Other girls snickered. "Hey Narnia, I know you're listening. If you don't stay away from my Taehyung, you'll get hurt. Let me just show you a glimpse, I'm heading to your parents. Later!"

I then heard her stand up from her chair as her friends bid farewell. "Are you going to hurt her parents?" One of the other girls asked. No!

"How'd you guess." Mina said and I heard the cafeteria door open.

"Narnia." Taehyung touched my arm, and I saw him looking at me confused and worried.

"O-oh. Sorry, um. I'll be going now. Eat the rest of my lunch if you'd like." I stuttered and stood up, rushing out of the cafeteria as well.

No no no! Don't hurt my parents! My parents were my life, they were the only ones hadn't left me yet. My other relatives had stopped talking to me. I knew my parents also didn't like me, but at least they didn't abandon me. I loved them more than anything, even if they didn't love me back. I ran at full speed, and didn't notice a foot sticking out. I tripped fell down a full flight of stairs.

"Ow..." I grunted and struggled to get up.

"Bitch." Someone whispered, and I knew that voice. Mina. I quickly looked behind me, up the stairs, and sure enough. It was Kwon Mina, my sworn enemy.

"Y-you..." I said, loud enough for her to hear although not that loud since I was still trying to bare the pain.

"Yeah it's me, you little piece of shit. I'll see you later, probably after I get your parents in the hospital." She smirked.

"Stop! You can't do that! You'll get arrested!" I yelled as she walked away.

"Boys like dangerous girls, hun." She flipped her hair.

"So is that why you're doing this? Because no boys like you? Because I'm too pretty that all they can see is me and not you? Because you're jealous?" I stood up and glared at her back.

"What did you just say, bitch?" She looked back at me, disgusted.

"I. Said. You're. Jealous."

" will regret this." She ran away with a furious expression, and I could hear her feet padding towards the school exit. The doors swung open, and then banged shut after her. The bang echoed in my ears.

"!" I yelled and ran up the stairs to go after her. I winced because my legs hurt like hell, which was probably from my fall. I can't let my parents get hurt.

I heard a match scrape against a match box from afar, and my eyes widened. My legs started to go faster and faster, until I was a block away from my house. My eyes shut as if on demand as I got closer, then my legs stopped. I slowly opened my eyes, scared of what I was going to see.

My bag that I was holding dropped to the ground, and I felt a wave of heat. My house... was engulfed in fire. Mina was no where to be seen, and I put a jacket and a hood on. I rushed inside the house kicking down all the doors and walls. The scorching heat enveloped me, and I heard multiple sirens.

"Eomma! Appa!" I yelled and searched around the house. I could feel my body being burned up, as my energy wasted away. Beads of sweat formed on my entire body. The last thing I knew, a couple of firemen were dragging me outside the house along with two other figures, which I thought were my parents. I could barely open my eyes, but I felt the presence of a boy beside me. "Narnia! Narnia! Open your eyes, please!"

I started to see dots... and blacked out.

Eomma - Mother/Mom
Appa - Father/Dad

I Hear You (BTS V FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora