Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Taehyung's POV

I could sense something was wrong. Narnia kept on looking around, and she would jump every time something rattled in the bushes, even if it was just a squirrel.

"Just a squirrel, Nar. Focus, focus." She mumbled every time. It was kinda cute, but I was worried as well.

Narnia and I spent the rest of the day in the amusement park, and stayed there until it closed which was around 10 PM.

"Where are we going for dinner?" She asked while I was driving.

"Bibimbap?" I replied, hoping she liked it as well.

"Yay!" She exclaimed and smiled. Whew.

We were at a stop-light, and we talked about our childhood. All the fun memories, our old friends, and funny stories. That's about all I can remember us doing, before I felt a huge force drive into my side. I couldn't feel a thing, but I could see a blur of people, cars, and the road under my head. Narnia kept on yelling at me, but I couldn't quite decipher what she was saying due to the enormous pounding in my head. I smiled at her one last time before I saw darkness replace everything.

< • > • < • > • < • >

Narnia's POV

I stared in horror at the sight before me. We had been hit by a car, I didn't even see it coming. The car had hit Taehyung's side, which caused him to fling out of his seatbelt, break the front window with the amount of force he had gotten, then he laid on the middle of the road. I was stuck inside the now crumpled-up car that was laying on its' side, but people were quickly rushing out of their cars to help me get out.

I could hear everyone yelling, screaming, crying, and some calling the police and ambulance.

About five men came over to the car and forcefully opened the door, and helped me unlatch the seatbelt. They then pulled me out and got everyone as far as they could from the car. There was another man carrying Taehyung on his back, away from the two vehicles.

Suddenly, the car blew up, making a wave of heat rush towards all of us. The person who had hit us was still inside his/her car, and they blew up along with our car. I was scared as I realized that someone had just died in front of me.

I quickly rushed over to the man with Taehyung and got him down, then hugged him. "You're going to be okay. We're going to be okay." I watched the scene unravel slowly, and pain overtook me. Not physically, but mentally. Taehyung was dying in my arms, there was a big fire blowing up, people were yelling everywhere, and sirens could be heard. Why me?

As soon as the ambulance arrived, they put Taehyung and I inside and drove off straight to the hospital at high speed. When we got to the hospital, nurses came out and rolled Taehyung away to get surgery. One nurse scanned me, and saw that I only had a minor concussion. So I just sat down on one of the waiting chairs and cried.

After crying for three hours straight, I eventually got tired and slept on the hospital benches.

{Morning of Monday}

I was waken up by one of the nurses, who brought me to Taehyung's room. When I walked in, I saw Taehyung who was all bandaged up, but still had that everlasting smile on his face. "Narnia... come here." He said and I followed his orders and came close. He enveloped me in a hug, and I started to cry all over again.

"I'm so sorry." He said, which caused me to raise my head up.

"Why are you sorry?"

"If it wasn't for my driving—"

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