Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Narnia's POV


The nurses bowed to me and Taehyung before we stepped out of the hospital. I had a cast on my left leg, and in my hands were a pair of crutches. I sighed. It was finally the day I was discharged from the hospital, but I didn't feel happy at all. That was probably because it was also the day that I promised myself I would tell Taehyung everything. I couldn't figure out why no one else had told him instead, since they hated Taehyung hanging out with me. If he decided he didn't want to hang out with me anymore, he would leave me and that would be sad. But it's the sadness that makes reality, reality.

"Taehyung, follow me." I said and lead him to a little park.

"What's wrong?" He asked as I sat him down on one of the benches.

"Nothing's wrong... but I have something I need to tell you. Or, show you." I began to get nervous. Maybe it was just me, but the air became a little stuffier. It's going to be fine. Focus. Focus.

"Go ahead." Tae leaned back on the bench and smiled. That gentle smile, I would miss it...

"A-alright." I prepared myself, then started to talk. "Have you noticed how... everyone treats me differently? In other words, how people aren't very nice to me? T-there's a secret that I need to tell you. The reason why everyone acts like that."

Taehyung raised his eyebrows and folded his hands together. His small antics were cute.

"Let me tell you a little about my childhood. I was born a baby with blue eyes, like the ones I have now. The weird thing about them is, the color doesn't match my family's. What I mean is that none of my family members have ever had any eye color other than dull brown. But astonishingly, I was born differently. They couldn't figure out how it happened. I mean, the genetics just don't make sense." I saw him start to frown. "When I was three years old, we discovered something weirder than that... the fact that I can hear everything. And I mean, everything. The conversation of two ladies walking across the street, the fight between two little boys somewhere in another country, one little girl talking to herself on a swing from across the world."

"Wait wait wait... You mean to tell me that... If I were even a mile away from you right now, and I whispered, you would be able to hear what I'd said perfectly fine?" Taehyung interrupted me.


"Can we try it?"

"Of course."

"No cheating, okay?"

"I know. I won't."

He ran away, until I couldn't see him anymore. Then I heard him.

"I wonder if she's telling the truth... Aish, how can a human have that kind of power? It isn't possible!" He whispered under his breath. "Well, I guess I'll try it. Uhh... hello, Narnia. This is very awkward. I'm not even sure if you can hear me." He said next in a normal voice. I giggled.

A couple minutes later, he came running back, out of breath. "W-what'd I say?"

"You said, 'I wonder if she's telling the truth... Aish, how can a human have that kind of power? It isn't possible! Well, I guess I'll try it. Uhh... hello, Narnia. This is very awkward. I'm not even sure if you can hear me.' Am I right?" I smirked as his mouth fell open.

"Y-yeah... You heard the whisper part too..."

There was an awkward silence that passed through us as he thought about it.

"So is this magical power the reason you came back to life in the hospital, even when your heart stopped beating?" He suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

"I... will only tell you this because I trust you, alright? You can't tell anyone else, and I really trust you to not tell." I said before breathing in. "I... didn't die at all actually, even when my heart stopped beating. I have a question. Taehyung, did you bleed right before my heart stopped?"

He cocked his head sideways and thought for a moment, before nodding.

"I can't be killed the complete same way normal people can. There are three ways to kill me. The first way to kill me is to drain all the blood in my body out. The second way is to have my heart pierced with really sharp iron. The last way is to just kill me how you'd kill any other person, but there's a twist to the third option. If I come in contact with even the tiniest bit of blood while I'm dying, then that blood will give me power again and I'll be fine. Which means that on that day, you saved me. I haven't thanked you yet for that. Thank you."

Taehyung couldn't say anything, he was surprised with the information I'd just given him.

"And now that you know everything, I know you'll do one of two things. Either you'll run away and never see me ever again. In other words, you'll turn against me. Or—"

I was enveloped in a big hug. "Or, I'll stay. I'll stay by your side."

My eyes widened as I wasn't expecting this. What I thought was going to happen, was that he would tell everyone my secret. I bet some people hate me so much that they would use that information to kill me. But it went the exact opposite way. I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist as well.

"Taehyung... Thank you." I said, my voice filled with happiness.

"You don't have to worry, Narnia. I won't tell anyone your secrets." He pretended to lock his lips, then put the imaginary key in his pocket. "In fact, I think what you just showed me was really cool. And being able to not die like that? That's also, like, evolutionary!"

I blushed. No one had ever complimented me of my powers. I'd never thought of it like that, either. "I don't know what to say, no one's ever said that..."

"You're special, Narnia. Everyone's just jealous." He patted my head, grabbed my hand, and we walked out of the park.

I could feel my heart beating abnormally fast.

"You're special, Narnia." Taehyung's voice repeated itself over and over inside my head.

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