Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Narnia's POV

4 AM in the morning—I decided to get out of my house and maybe visit Taehyung. Even though he was a patient in the hospital, he had been working a lot these days, on the song and practicing the choreo. I was afraid that staying up too late would damage his health, and dancing too much without a healthy body would damage his body.

As I went into his little corner, I could hear the small clicks on the keyboard of a laptop. "Tae~ What are you doing?"

"I'm adding a couple changes in the song, to make it sound a little more exciting. Exciting but with sad words, it'll be intriguing." He replied.

"Taehyung. You shouldn't overwork yourself. It's almost morning, in fact it already is. It's 4 in the morning, you should be sleeping. I'm worried for you."

"I'm sorry for worrying you, but I'm just really excited about this. I need to try my hardest so that I can get accepted."

I smiled and hugged him. "This hardworking part of you, it... To be honest, I may be falling—I mean, falling...uh...I tripped and fell down the other day, but it's okay cuz I only got a tiny scrape and it's not that major, it's not like I got into an accident or anything, because a lot of bad things seem to be happening lately but—"

"Woah. Slow down." Taehyung laughed. "You were saying that you were... falling for me?" He raised his eyebrows, wiggling them and bit his lip playfully.

"N-no, silly! What are y-you talking about..." I replied hastily with a gentle slap to his shoulder, putting a fake smile on my face.

"Oh." He pouted and made puppy eyes. "So you don't like me?"

"No! It's not like that, either. I... uh... never mind." I shook my head and took off my shoes, slipping into the covers of his bed. Although it wasn't small, the two of us in it made it seem small. We were kind of squished together. "Let's sleep, Tae." I pulled him down slowly by his arm and he followed, laying down beside me.

"Hey Narnia."


"Aren't you tight?"

"I guess so."

"Then come here." He said and pulled me close, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. My heart unconsciously started beating  faster. Five minutes of solid silence went by.

"Narnia." Taehyung said again.


"Your heart is beating really, really fast right now. You actually like me, don't you?"

"M-mwo (w-what)? My heart normally beats this fast. I-I don't like you like that." I argued. Another minute went by, and I thought that he was already asleep, so I was just about to drift off into sleep as well.

In my last seconds of consciousness before I fell asleep, I heard Taehyung whisper, "You're lying."

And I could hear the smirk in his voice.


I woke up to the sound of shuffling feet in the room. Rubbing my eyes, I opened them and looked around. Namjoon and Seokjin were already here, and they were practicing the dance together. I blushed as I realized that Taehyung still had his arm around me, and he was spooning me.

"Taehyung, good morning." I turned around in his arms, facing him. I brushed the bangs out of his eyes, and patted down his messy bed hair.

He mumbled incoherent words and squeezed his eyes, before slowly opening them. I realized that our faces were very close together as he did this. My face flushed once more and I looked away from his face. "Good morning." He replied and smirked. "What's wrong? You're all red."

I scrambled to get away, and I jumped off the bed. "N-Namjoon, Seokjin, how's practice going?"

"It's going good!" Seokjin replied.

"Although we're not very good at dancing, this is pretty simple so it's easy. Thanks, Narnia." Namjoon said.

"There's only a little bit of time left, so you guys should practice really hard. But don't overwork and stay healthy!" I told them.

- A Week Later -

I heard the loud and energetic voices of the boys before I was even close to the studio. Their exciting voices radiated. I'd always thought that everything would be better if it weren't for my hearing powers, and I'd heard many unfortunate things. But hearing their energetic voices made me happier and gave me a small bit of energy too.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed and walked into the studio. Everyone was there already: Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Seokjin, and Taehyung. The Bangtan Boys were sitting in chairs with a notebook and pen in their hands.

The boys who weren't in the group yet were standing around, waiting for me. "Good morning, Narnia!" Taehyung said and hugged me.

"Good morning Tae." I hugged him for longer than needed, because a sense of belonging took over me whenever I was with him. It was very comfortable, but I didn't know why. "Break a leg."

"Thanks." He mumbled into my shoulder. After five more seconds, I pulled myself off.

"Alright, let's start." Yoongi said in a loud voice and Namjoon, Seokjin, and Taehyung got in formation. I handed the three a microphone each and stood off to the side, next to the speaker. I started the background music and all that was left for me to do was pray that BTS would like them.

"Where did you go? You disappeared without a trace." Seokjin's sweet voice started off the song well. The 'judges', BTS, seemed into the song.

Jungkook smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. I nodded with a grin as I watched Taehyung, Namjoon, and Seokjin sing and dance.

When the song ended, Kookie, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin clapped and stood up. "That was amazing!" Jimin exclaimed.

"Yeah! I didn't think you'd do this well!" Hoseok agreeed, and Yoongi slightly nodded.

"Alright, so let's decide. I think we should let them in." Jungkook said.

"Yes! I think so too." Jimin replied.

"It's a yes from me." Hoseok said, making us all look at Yoongi.

"Yeah." He decided, and I cheered. I jumped around and hugged all of them.

"Thank you so much!" Taehyung yelled.

"We'll be helpful, I promise!" Seokjin laughed with glee.

"Gamsahapnida!" Namjoon bowed.

I couldn't believe it. I'd made it work. While everyone was still celebrating and yelling, I sat back down in my chair. Now, the time had come for me to go move them further along their destined path. I already had a plan.

I Hear You (BTS V FF)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن