Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Narnia's POV

"Narnia! Taehyung!" Hoseok shouted. "We're gonna start teaching the dance!"

"Got it. I'll be right there!" I replied and got off of Taehyung. I stood up, extending a hand to him. He grabbed it as I dragged him up. "Let's go." He didn't let go of my hand when we started to walk, and I just kept it that way because to be honest, it didn't feel that bad. "We're here!" I shouted as we walked into the room where Hoseok stood before the rest of the guys.

"Come on, let's teach them the dance now. We gotta hurry." He urged, so I made Taehyung let go, and headed next to Hoseok. "I'll teach Namjoon, Seokjin, and Yoongi. You teach Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook." Hoseok told me.

"Sure." I nodded and led the three boys to another room. "Alright, so we'll be learning the dance to 'Fantastic Baby' by BigBang now." I said and stood in front of the mirror. "First, let's stretch." I sat down and extended my legs, reaching my hands towards them. The other three copied my movements.

We went on like that for about an hour or so, and by then the three boys I was in charge of had all gotten the dance down pretty well. After we perfected it, we walked into the other room where the other four members of BTS danced.

"Hoseok!" I called.

"Are you guys already done?" He asked.


"Wow, lucky. These three can't dance~" He complained, running towards me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Ewwww." I said as his sweat stuck to me.

"Hey, you sweat too." He pouted then pointed to Namjoon, Seokjin, and Yoongi. "Those three suck."

I laughed. "Let's see how much you guys learned!" They groaned, getting in position. Taehyung started the music, and they started to dance. "Oh. You guys aren't that bad." I said.

"Thanks." Seokjin blew a kiss to me, and Hoseok slapped his forehead.

"You guys were doing it bad on purpose to bug me, weren't you?!" He grumped.

"Hehe." Namjoon scratched his head.

Yoongi winked. "You got us." We all laughed except for Hoseok.

"Let's put it together?" I asked him smiling gently, trying to fix his mood.

"Okay." He nodded and perked up.

"Ready? Ssijjak! (Start!)" Jungkook said as he started the music, and hurriedly got in his position. He had set the music to be 25% slower than original, so it would be a bit easier to figure out the groove the first time. We all followed along the music, and I laughed as we messed up a couple of times.

"Alright, I'm not going to be in the actual thing anyways so I'll just let you guys practice. I'll be in charge of the music video." I said as we finished a fifth time as a whole.

"Like the director!" Taehyung said, and I nodded.

"But I wanted you to stay with us longer." Jungkook pouted.

"Don't worry, I'll just be in the room next door. And it's not like I can't hear you, right? I'll be catching every word you guys say, see you later~" I winked and said, waving at the seven guys as I left the room with a laptop in hand.

"Wait, Narnia!" Yoongi suddenly said. Everyone wasn't very used to him talking loudly, so we all looked at him at once. "What happened to your knees?" He asked, eyeing the bandaids in the middle of both my knees.

"Oh, these. Right." I looked at Taehyung, who was already staring at me. "You know how I'm really clumsy, I just dropped a cup. But I'm fine, it doesn't hurt or anything." I replied and patted the bandaid.

"It's good that you're okay, but be more careful next time, alright?" Yoongi said and smiled.

"Aww. You're so sweet. Thank you, Yoongi." I said and grinned. Yoongi was the type of person with an aura of charisma around him, a cold 'personality' which contradicts his aura. However, he's the opposite of what people think his personality it. I've noticed that he's actually very warm and caring on the inside.

I walked out the door and into the living room. Sitting down on the beige, soft couch, I tapped a finger on my laptop while thinking of how the video should be like. Five minutes of thinking like that was all I needed, and I was typing away the outline of the MV in no time.

"Hey Taehyung, we all know it, don't lie!" I heard Hoseok shout while laughing.

"Ssh! Hyung, she's right over there!" I smirked as I heard Taehyung whisper-shout.

"She can probably hear all of this, Tae you're screwed!" Jimin laughed. I giggled along, but wondered what they were talking about.

"But seriously hyung, all of us can see it." Jungkook agreed with whatever they were talking about.

"Oh, the way they look at each other!" Namjoon said dramatically and added a dreamy sigh for extra effects, being the extra person he is.

"Shut up, Hyung." Taehyung said and I could hear the slight rustle of material as he jokingly shoved Namjoon. "But, Narnia did look really cute today. I-I mean, everyday. She's just... so beautiful."

My breath hitched in my throat when I heard him say that. He thinks I'm beautiful?! I could feel my heart start to pound rapidly and strongly.

4) It lightens up your whole day just by getting a compliment from him.

Another one of the symptoms had come true. "Shit, I'm not actually in love... am I?" I asked myself rhetorically.

- Time Lapse --> Video is Done/Submitted -

"We need to get more views and likes... we have really little right now." I said as I looked at our video in the midst of all the other ones which had been submitted. The videos in the second round included the audience. The viewers who go on the website and watch the videos can all choose one video to "like". And the video with the most likes at the end would become the winning team.

Today was a Saturday, which meant we had no school. Since we all weren't really doing anything for the entire day, I decided to have the boys promote themselves in public. "Okay! Guys, I've decided something that might help you guys get likes." I exclaimed out loud.

"What is it?" Hoseok asked, coming out of the dance practice room and ran to the living room, where I was. Jimin and Jungkook came in as well, and they plopped down beside me on the couch. The other four were in the kitchen, which was next to the living room, so they just turned their heads my way.

"Basically, you all have to go out and tell people walking on the streets about yourselves." I said.

"So... We just go up to random people and tell them to like our video?" Yoongi asked. "But wouldn't they just ignore us?"

"Of course some might. But try to do something like sing or rap, to impress them and want to vote for you." I explained.

"That sounds pretty good." Taehyung said, and Jimin agreed.

"Also, we could make cards that have our group name and the website link on it." Jungkook added.

"Good idea. Can you go make those cards?" I asked Namjoon.

"Sure." He got up and grabbed an apple, walking to Taehyung's room. Taehyung's room was the only one with a printer in it.

After the cards were done, us eight went out and grouped ourselves into three groups: Suga/Jimin Group, Jungkook/Namjoon Group, and Hoseok/Taehyung/me (Narnia) Group.

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