Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Narnia's POV

"What're you doing?" Taehyung was breathing heavily, as well as the other members. They had just finished two hours of dance practice. I was on my laptop, searching for a way to get them signed into a company.

"I'm trying to..." I clicked on another random link to a page. The first thing I saw on the page was:

In the process of making a new idol group. Click to see more info.

I'd never clicked an article faster before. "I think I found your key to success!" I yelled, and the seven boys crowded around me.

"Could you read it out loud? I can't see." Jungkook, who was pushed to the back, said.

"Sure. Let's see... We are looking for talented boys who are between ages 16 to 20. If you like singing, dancing, or rapping, read more ahead. We are having an online competition to see who is the best. You may either go solo or form a team. Even if you go solo and make it, you might get placed in a group. To enter the competition, either make a song or sing/rap a cover of a song by someone else. It will be better if there is a dance included, if it is possible. You can enter your video in by scrolling to the bottom of this page and press the button that says "ENTER COMPETITION". Write your name(s), age(s), school(s) you went/go to for high school, and other information the sign-up form tells you to write. The best 10 videos will be selected by our judges. May the best person/team win." I read. "OMO! This is perfect!"

"It is! It's pretty easy to enter, I'm sure we can do this!" Namjoon cheered.

"Okay! Now we just have to choose a song." Jimin said.

"How about the song that Taehyung, Seokjin, and Namjoon made? I can make small tweaks to it, and make it a bit longer. Add more rap parts as well, since we now have three rappers." Yoongi told us.

"That's a good idea!" Taehyung said. "Is everyone fine with that?"

"Yeah!" Everyone chorused.

"And I could make the dance more grand and big." Hoseok offered, and we all agreed. I was so excited, maybe even more than the actual members.


The next week was spent working on Regret. I learned the dance from Hoseok and was in charge of teaching it to the younger members of the group. They did well, and I could tell everyone was working their hardest. I was glad that I could help them, and pay back little by little for all the good things they'd done for me.

Finally when the whole song was finished and polished, I filmed them at multiple different locations. We combined the clips and edited them, adding in the background music as well. "This is it! Your video is finished and ready to enter!" I exclaimed happily.

"Yay! Let's go all see the moment of truth." Taehyung said as we all crowded around my computer once again. I could hear the boys hold their breath as I clicked 'ENTER COMPETITION'. Everyone breathed out.

"I really hope we make it into the top 10." Jimin said with a sigh.

"How do the judges even decide one team out of those ten in the end anyways?" Jungkook asked.

"I read the website a little more the other day, and I think it said that it's going to be mostly the audience's opinion that counts." Namjoon answered.

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