Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Narnia's POV

I'd heard everything. The doctors talking, my heart rate dropping, Taehyung crying. They'd all thought I died, but the way I died was not that simple. When I came 'back to life', relieved voices rung through my ears. I was already awake, but they didn't know that. I could open my eyes, but I didn't want them to suspect that I wasn't normal so I stayed quiet and pretended to sleep.

Once I knew the doctors were gone, I waited about an hour before finally letting myself open my eyes. When I did, the first thing I saw was Taehyung at my side. He was on the uncomfortable chair, while holding my hand. My blankets were a bit blood-stained, which I suspected already. "Taehyung~" I sing-songed into his ear, which made him shift around.


"Tae, open yo eyes. I'm awake. Hello—"

He opened one of his eyes and soon after opened his other one. "Oh my god!" He jumped up in the chair. "Narnia?!"

"Yup, that's me." I smiled. He stood up and pushed a button, which made some doctors come into the room.

"Did something bad hap—" the doctors stopped mid-sentence, looking at me. "Y-you're already awake, miss."

"Yup." I popped my p, nodding.

"But how could that happen? We thought she'd stay asleep for at least two more days." Another doctor whispered to the first doctor. Which I heard, of course.

Ah, shit. I should've stayed still until Taehyung went home, and then waken up tomorrow, at least. "Well, I guess I'm very lucky!"

"Yes, indeed you are. We thought you were dead, but then you came back to life! I don't know how that could possibly happen either, but I guess it was just your luck."

"Be careful not to move around too much, your body is still damaged."

The doctors left the room, leaving Taehyung and I behind. "Wait... how did I even get here, what happened?" I asked.

"Well, you... I don't know how, but you found out that there was a fire at your house. You rushed out of school and the next time I saw you, you headed into your house, into the fire."

Taehyung's words made me remember every single little detail, all over again. "How are my parents? Are they okay?!" I asked, putting my hands onto Tae's shoulders. "Tell me they're okay!"

"They're alright, even to the point that they can walk. They're doing way better than you are."

I sighed out a breath of relief. I don't know what I'd do if I lost them. Suddenly, the door to the room opened. All the other patients in the room looked towards the door, and there they were... my parents.

"Omma! Appa!" I yelled happily and gestured for them to come over. They looked at each other, frowned sadly, then slowly walked over. "What's wrong?" I asked, noticing that they looked down.

(Omma - Mother/Mom
Appa - Father/Dad)

"Narnia Park..." My mom said. "Miahnhaeyo."

(Miahnhaeyo - I'm sorry)

"Why? What's wrong?" I started to get worried.

"In sorry to say this, but... we can't stay with you anymore." My dad stated.

"What? What do you mean?"

"We're tired of this, dealing with you. I'm sorry but we're having you move out, and live on your own. Please do not think of us as parents anymore." Appa... no, Jaebin Park said.

"I'm really sorry honey, it's for the best." Jisoo Park said.

"Jaebin, Jisoo. It's fine... I understand that I'm a drag. I've heard all the things people are saying to you two, they're too mean. I get it. I'm sorry too, for being this daughter you don't want. A piece of trash. It would probably be for the best if you two left right now." I smiled sadly as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Im sorry." Jisoo (the mom) said.

"Sorry? Sorry is all you have to say for this. Why are you two even doing this to her?!" Taehyung suddenly yelled. "Can't you fucking see that she's the victim here? She's the one being hurt the most right now, being abandoned by everyone. Even her own parents. She even threw herself into the fire for you two! Can't you at least be the only ones there for her? Parents... no, family should always stick together. No one should have to break off with theirs like that." He looked down at his feet and frowned. I could see him clenching his jaw.

"Taehyung, it's okay. I'll... I'll be fine." I'll be strong. "Bye Jaebin, bye Jisoo." The two walked out ashamedly, as the other patients looked at Taehyung and I.

"It's not okay, really." I said after my parents were gone and started to cry. Taehyung held me in his comforting arms as I sobbed, making his shirt damp.

"I know, I know. It never feels ok to be left behind. To feel like you're alone in this scary world. I've been there. So don't worry, I'm here." He whispered only comforting words into my ear until I calmed myself down.

"T-thank you, T-Taehyung." I hiccuped my way through words.

"By the way, I know this is a bad time. But would you mind telling me why this is happening to you? I mean, look at you. You're gorgeous, smart, and probably have some sense of humor. So why is everyone so... mean towards you?" He asked, his voice low as if trying not to make me upset.

"C-can I k-keep that a secret un-til I'm able to get out of thi-is hospit-tal?" (Translation: Can I keep that a secret until I'm able to get out of this hospital?)

"Of course, Narnia. Of course." He hugged me even tighter, then laid me down. The other patients were still looking at what we would do next, so he let go of me for a while to go whoosh the curtains back and make some privacy. Once he came back, he laid down with me on the hospital bed and I slept, in his arms.

It was one of the most beautifully deep slumber I'd experienced in a while.

- End of Chapter 5 -

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