Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
(Just in case:
'Hyung' is how a younger boy would call an older boy. 'Noona' is what a younger boy would call an older girl.)

Narnia's POV

"I heard about you almost dying today." He said first thing in a very worried tone as I opened the door to Taehyung's room.

"Well, yeah. But how'd you find out?"

"People love gossiping around here. Anyways, are you okay? You didn't get hurt, did you?" He looked me up and down, searching for signs of injuries.

"No, no. I'm okay."

"Tell me what happened. All the details." He demanded and sat up, folding his hands together on his lap.

"Fine. So... since you weren't at school with me, I was alone. And I went to the rooftop, the edge of it to be precise."

"Why would you go to the edge?" He asked, not getting mad or worked up.

"I don't know, I just felt like it. Anyways, suddenly someone pushed me from behind but thanks to my fast reaction time, I grabbed onto the corner with my hand and I was dangling over the school. That was really scary, to be honest. But luckily for me, lots of people were outside at that moment and witnessed it. The person who pushed me ran away, but these four boys came to rescue me." I explained. "Their names were... I think Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok."

"Oh, I know those four. I'm actually pretty good friends with them. Did you thank them for saving you?"

"Yup." I nodded and he patted my head.

"Hey, Narnia."


"I'm sorry."


"For making you go to school today. If I hadn't, you wouldn't have gone through that. It seems like everything I do results in something bad, doesn't it." He nervously laughed.

"Taehyung, stop saying sorry. Nothing's your fault. I'm just unlucky." This time, I comforted him instead of the other way around, which it usually was.

"Thank you." He pulled me down into his bed and we sat next to each other. His hospital bed was quite comfy. It smelled a little bit like Tae.

"Wanna go take a walk?" I suggested.

"Sure." He agreed and grabbed a jacket on our way out, although it was pretty hot outside. I maneuvered his wheelchair through the hospital and through the door. There was a small trail around the hospital that the patients were allowed to walk around in, so we headed there. As we walked along the path, the smell of the flowers planted alongside us filled my nostrils. It was quite pleasing, walking beside Taehyung while nature surrounded us. I just wished he wasn't in a wheelchair.

"Wanna sneak out?" He said after a long silence.


"You heard me." He looked towards my ears, and I touched them gently.

"Umm... are you sure you're fine? You can't push yourself too hard, you were in a severe car crash."

"Eh, it wasn't as bad as everyone thinks. It didn't hurt that much, anyways. And I'm the one who wants to sneak out, so you don't have to worry."

"I will worry, of course. But if you really want to, I guess it's fine..."

"So it's decided. Push me out. But don't get caught!" He warned with a grin.

"Yes sir." I mock saluted and he laughed. Quickly, I hid behind a plant pot with my hands shaped into a gun and pretended to be on the lookout, my "gun" pointed to the ground. "The coast is clear. I repeat, the coast is clear!"

I Hear You (BTS V FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora