Chapter 17

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⬆️ or ⬇️ How can a human possibly be so good looking?😻🤔😘

Chapter 17

Narnia's POV

As I huddled into the corner of the room and looked away from all the people, the door opened again with a loud bang. I surprisedly looked up to see Taehyung standing there. "Narnia!" His face lit up and he waved at me. I smiled and waved back. Taehyung walked with long strides to the desk next to me and sat down, plopping his bag on the floor. He scooted his desk closer to mine, making screeching noises. I cringed. "Miahn." He said to the people in the room.

"It's really hot and boring in here..." I complained.

"Yeah, it is. Do you want to do something fun?" He asked.

"Like what?"

Well... We would have to wait for Mr. Baldy to sleep first, but we could sneak out?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think we should. What's Mr. Baldy gonna do when he finds out?"

"You mean, if he finds out."

"If... if is good." I replied and smirked. I was never one to be a bad girl, but everything was just more fun with Taehyung.

I heard my phone ding. Rustling the contents of my backpack around, I hastily took it out and looked at the message. It was from Jungkook.

"The members of Bangtan r all here 2 brainstorm ideas 4 r vid! Can u & Tae come?" I read his message out loud.

"This is a good excuse to get outta here, don't you think?" Taehyung asked me, and I nodded. As I looked over at Mr. Baldy, I noticed he was finally dozing off. I packed my bag up, and urged Taehyung to do the same.

We slowly stood up, careful not to make any noises. I smirked at the other people in the room as they stared at us two and tip-toed to the door. Mr. Baldy suddenly snorted and mumbled something, making Taehyung and I whip our heads towards him. To our relief, he was just talking in his sleep. I sighed and we opened the door, steeping out into the quiet hallway. It was already after school, so of course there would be no one here.

Except for the occasional rattle of the windows, there was no noise in the school as Taehyung and I speed walked to the exit. I started to giggle quietly and looked to Taehyung. He was already looking at me, smiling, and had a dazed face. My heart skipped a beat, and I immediately looked away as I felt my face grow red. "Why do you look so happy?" I asked, still not looking his way.

"Because you were smiling, and this is fun." He replied. "You should smile, it looks good on you." He told me. I slowly nodded and smiled brightly. "Yeah, you look great." He laughed.

3) You just want to make him happy.

The third point of the list "Symptoms of Being in Love" had just come true. I stopped smiling as we reached the doors. We pushed on them, making them fling open as we rushed out of the building. I laughed, letting my nerves out and Taehyung started to laugh as well.

"Let's head to my place quickly! They've probably let themselves in freely already." Taehyung said. I agreed as we ran to his house, our backpacks weighing us down and making it harder for to run fast.

"Wait a sec..." I slowed down and halted to a stop as I concentrated on something, then laughed.

"What's so funny?" Taehyung asked.

"Mr. Baldy. He woke up and I can hear him yelling 'Where's Park? Where Kim?'" I imitate Mr. Baldy's voice. Taehyung laughed, shook his head, and and kept on going.

"We're here!" I called as six boys ran up to Taehyung and I.

"We've been waiting for so long!" Yoongi said and grumbled.

"I'm sorry Yoon." I hugged him and looked at all of them. "Ok, so today we should start going through the audition thing very fast. We have a kinda late start on it now."

"Yup." Namjoon said and we all plopped down on the hard, wooden floor.

"First of all, what song should we do?" Seokjin asked.

"How about something like... Fantastic Baby by BigBang? It's really popular nowadays, and it'll be pretty easy to make a music video-ish thing for the song." Jungkook said.

"That's a good one! Let's do that!" Jimin nodded. Once we all agreed to Fantastic Baby, we planned out who was going to sing which part. Jungkook, Jimin, Seokjin, and Taehyung on the vocals. Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi for the rap parts.

I took out a piece of notebook paper and a pen, writing down the song name, artist, and everyone's position. "How about the dance?" I asked.

"I can learn the dance. And will you help me teach it to them again?" Hoseok volunteered.

"Of course. Thanks." I wrote him down as the choreographer-ish.

"And I can be the set and clothes designer." Jimin said. I nodded, writing his name down.

"Alright, I think all the roles and down. Let's start practicing!" I printed out all their individual lyrics, sorting out who sings what and so on. Meanwhile, Hoseok stood aside in front of the full-body mirror, learning the dance little by little.

Once he was done, he taught it to me, who worked very hard to try to learn the dance in a short time. It was a bit more complex than the one we did for their first audition video. After two hours, I mastered the dance completely, and I was quite proud of myself.

I went on my short break before I had to help teach the others, walking over to the kitchen to get water. I draped the towel over my shoulders and threw back my head as I gulped down the cold water. It felt refreshing. "Narnia." I heard Taehyung's voice behind me.

"T-Tae." I looked back at him. "Yeah?"

"Could you get me some water too?" He pointed at the glass cups in the cabinet above my head, then walked over to table and sat down. He was looking over his lyrics.

"Mhm." I said and stood on my toes to reach for the cups. My heart skipped a beat as I finally reached it, but it slipped from my fingertips. That sent the cup crashing to the floor, and made Taehyung jump up from his seat and rush towards me. "I'm so sorry! I broke one of your cups..." I kneeled down to grab the broken pieces of glass, and felt a poke on my knee.

"Narnia! Don't! That's dangerous! I'll do it." Taehyung looked me up and down, making sure I was ok. "Stand up."

I did as told, and he frowned. I looked down and saw that my knees were bloody.

"Are you okay?" He asked gently, reaching a hand out to me. I nodded but bit my lip, trying not to concentrate on my knees. He led me to the table he was sitting at before, and got a first-aid kit.

First, he checked for any glass pieces still stuck. Then he took out big bandaids and gently put them on my knees. I smiled and hugged him as he finished up. "Thank you." I said.

"Y-you're welcome." He stuttered, making me giggle. I slowly inhaled his scent, which made me calm. "Narnia..." he squeezed me. "I can't help myself..."

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