Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Taehyung's POV

Maybe I should go follow her.

After Narnia left, curiosity got the best of me and I decided to go after her. I didn't know why, but I was a boy who always followed gut feelings and never listened to my brain, so I left my new friends behind and went out of the cafeteria.

I walked around for a bit, casually looking around and searching. Soon enough, I heard two voices talking.

"You... you will regret this."

Huh? That sounds like Mina, that girl has been plastered all over me today. She's annoying as fuck. I was about to leave so that I could dodge Mina, but I heard another voice right after.

"!" It sounded much like Narnia, and I stopped in my tracks. I turned around towards where I'd heard the voices, but Mina was nowhere to be found and I caught a glimpse of Narnia's pearl white shoe before she disappeared around the corner too.

I ran to catch up, and saw her running out of school when I'd turned the corner. She was going pretty past, and I started to get concerned. Why'd she leave? We're in the middle of lunch and I know she has a class after this, we're in it together...

When I'd finally caught sight of Narnia again, we were in front of a house which was swallowed in a pit of fire.

"Fuck." I saw Narnia going into the house. Immediately, I took out my phone and dialed 911.

The fire trucks and ambulance came at full speed down the road, as I could hear the sirens getting louder and louder. I couldn't hold it in anymore, and ran towards the house and try to rescue Narnia. But three men held me back.

"What do you think you're doing?!" One of them shouted at me.

"My... my girlfriend's in there! I need to help her!" I yelled at them.

"The firemen will do their job. She will be fine." Another man tried to comfort me. The third man just looked at me with a sorry expression.

The fire trucks arrived, and the firemen started to unload their hoses.

"Sir, please help! A girl's stuck in there! I'm not sure if anyone else is, but please help them!" I ran up to them and said.

"We will, but we need to calm this fire down first." The said to me, and sprayed water onto the house. The fire eventually died down, and I was the first to go running into the house. The other firemen were right behind me, telling me to stay back. But I didn't care. I had to save Narnia. My hands scooped through the pile of burnt rubble and ash. I stopped when I felt a fabric between my fingers. Unfortunately, it was not Narnia but another woman. I found a man too, right beside the woman.

People from the ambulance took them away quickly. "Narnia. We have to find Narnia!" I yelled at the men, digging through. Finally, I saw a figure with a hood on, who was pinned under a beam which was probably used to hold up the house, but weakened and fell down in the process of the fire. I lifted the hood, and saw her face. "Narnia." I was relieved and anxious at the same time, she looked like she was seriously burnt and hurt.

Two women strapped her to a rolling bed and took her into the ambulance. "Are you her boyfriend?" One asked me, and I reluctantly nodded. They let me in the ambulance, and we sped to the hospital.


{5 Hours Later}

I quickly stood up as the doctors came out from Narnia's surgery room. Her parents also had surgery in the rooms next to her, but they were done way before Narnia. Luckily, her parents were fine.

"Is she okay?" I asked worriedly, and the doctor smiled.

"Unfortunately the burns might leave some scars, but she is lucky that she is still alive."

I breathed a sigh of relief once I heard she was okay. She really gave me a fright.

"May I see her?" I asked hopefully.

"A nurse will come to bring her to her room. You can follow them and see her then. Not yet."

"Okay, thank you very much sir." I bowed to him until he left with the other surgeons behind him.

I peeked into the room the doctors came out from, where a beautiful goddess was sleeping. Her features hadn't changed although she had survived a huge fire. She was still dazzling... her slightly pink lips, long eyelashes, flushed cheeks, and soft-looking skin. A bandaid covered her right cheek and parts of her body were covered in bandages. Her hair was still smooth and silky, probably because she had her hood on.

"Hey," a soft voice said to me. I looked behind myself, and saw a man and a woman.

"Annyong-haseyo (polite hello)." I smiled at them and bowed.

"We're her parents." The woman said, pointing inside the room at Narnia.

"Oh! I'm Kim Taehyung, you could consider me her friend." I replied. "Nice to meet you, and I'm glad you two didn't suffer large injuries." They were doing way better than Narnia, they were even able to walk while she couldn't even wake up.

"Yes, and Taehyung. She'll need a good chingu (friend) like you to stick by her, okay? Tell her we're sorry." Her father said.

"Sorry for what, sir?" I was confused.

They just smiled and walked away. A nurse came running back and into Narnia's room. The nurse checked her condition, then started to roll her bed out of the surgery room. I followed them into a light pink room with some beds and chairs. A couple of other people were already in the beds, and they had someone accompanying them at their side. The nurse carefully laid Narnia down on the bed with my help, and then she got connected to lots of machines. They were checking her heartbeat, making sure she wasn't dying.

Once the nurse had left, I swished the curtain around our little corner of the room, to make a private space. I sat in the hard, wooden chair and held Narnia's hand.

"What happened at school today, Narnia? Why'd you suddenly run away? How did you know that there was a fire at your house?" I asked, filled with questions. Seriously, how did she know her house was on fire? It's not like she has a connection and can feel it or anything... right? As far as I knew, no one had called her to tell her either. Unless, it was Mina. But judging from what Mina had said to Narnia when I overheard them, Mina probably wouldn't have cared enough to tell her.

Suddenly, one machine started beeping. I was startled and flung out of the chair, causing me to scrape my arm against a windowsill and land at Narnia's side. "Shit." I said as blood stained the blankets. But my eyes widened in horror as the heartbeat machine started to show her heart rate drop. I immediately pushed a button to call the doctors, and people came rushing in.

"Is that her blood?" The doctor asked.

"No, sir. Mine." I showed him the scrape on my arm, and he nodded. Several doctors started to connect more cables and tubes to Narnia, trying to get her heart beat back at normal. But it just kept on getting slower and slower until... it showed a straight line, the beep echoing around the room. I looked around and saw many of the people sitting up in their beds around us, jaws dropping wide in horror. I dropped to my knees, and started to cry.

"Oh my god!" One doctor suddenly cried. I opened my eyes and stood back up.

"What's wrong now?" I asked.

"She... she's coming back!"

My eyes widened as sure enough, the beeps went back to normal slowly but surely.

"H-how could this happen? Her heart beat's recovered completely!"

I plopped back down on the chair, relief coming through me.

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