Chapter 16

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Inaayah's P.O.V

Adam and Karim were both so devastating that I could sense fear radiating from them.Fear of losing their only sister who is like a mother figure to them and Ahmad,their son like nephew.I knew that Adam was worried so he lost it and scolded me in front of all these people but that's not fair.

In less than an hour we were back and Adam had the nerve to go straight in without waiting for me.I need to console him.I promised to be with him in his most difficult times.I gave Farida a sad smile and went after him to our room.

I took his hands in mine and looked him straight in his eyes.I could see the sadness and guilt so I sat us on our bed and tried to comfort him.

"Hey I know you are scared for Ahmad and Sharfa but it doesn't mean that you don't have to relax.Allah is the greatest and knows best what's going to happen.Allah doesn't burden his souls beyond what he/she can bear and you should be making duah for them to get well soon."

"You don't understand anything Inaayah.I've lost my parents and now I could have lost my sister and nephew."

"Okay I don't understand anything but they are making it back alive.It was not written for them to die now.Be thankful that they are still alive instead of thinking of what if they were dead.I'm with you in this.I can't watch you like this so let's go and pray 2 rakaah  shukraana.What say honey boo?"

"As you wish my queen.You are all that I need right now and I'm sorry for earlier.I really am.I was stressed and the thought of losing you etc.. made me furious."

"Well apology accepted but next time if you have to scold me do it privately not in public.Btw its not the first time you did it so try not to do this in the future cuz I might do something crazy like going to my mom's for some days.Oh you should have told me that you have a gun with you all the time."

"Was that a threat huh?You know you won't do it.Its because I know you'll freak out that's why I never told you about it.You know I love you lot and lot."

"We'll see that when the time will come.And I love you too,Now lets go and pray."

We prayed and not later Karim informed us that the papparazi got news about the current situation and they are swarming in front of the hospital and one of them got a picture of us in the room.Cleaning the room I got a call from Ismail.Its been like one week I've not talked to anyone and I should visit them soon because I do miss them.We talked for one hour before mom and dad came.

I'm currently watching shadow hunters while Adam is sleeping.I heard panting and a shout.I went to the room and saw Adam covered in sweat.I sat beside him,played with his hair and assured him that everything is okay.He looked at me like I was a foreign being and then he kissed me passionately and he bit my lip asking for entrance which I gave him eliciting a small moan from me.I missed his goodnight and morning kiss a lot.We suddenly heard someone clearing his voice and I immediately let go of Adam and that person was none other than Isu,my big bro.

"I think I am interrupting something for which I am sorry."He told us to which I blushed hard and told him:

"Why didn't you tell me that you are coming?"

"Assalam bro,are you taking good care of this clumsy girl?And I hope she doesn't tire you a lot."he asked Adam.

"wasalam bro,yeah she does annoy me everyday without forgetting her stares when you take her food"he replied and that earned him a pinch from me.

A message from Karim popped up saying that Sharfa is  getting discharged tomorrow morning and Ahmad in some 30 minutes or so.I told Adam to go and fetch Ahmad along with my report.I started getting nervous to which Adam hugged me and told me to enjoy myself with big bro until their return.

An hour later Adam came home and carried him to our room.I took the report from him and saw that I am pregant making a smile crept up on my face.Im going to be a mother.I ran to Ismail's room and hugged the life out of him before spilling out the news.Adam came in and told me to keep it low because AHmad is sleeping.Karim came home leaving Sharfa with the bodyguards and directly went to his room after dinner.

 Alhamdulillah for today.I could have lost one big sister and a son.I am really thankful to Allah.I just hope that everything goes smoothly from now on but they still got to find the culprit.InshaAllah everything gets better and I'm sure everything that is happening is for the best.After all Allah is the all-knower.I am impatiently waiting for the arrival of my munchkin and I just pray that he/she is in good state.I stood by the door of my room where I got a good look at Adam crying his eyes out holding Ahmad's hand whispering some words that I couldn't quite understand.

I cleared my throat capturing his attention and he looked at me as if I should not know what he was saying.I came in,wiped his tears and convinced him to go to bed while I went to see how Karim was doing.He was sleeping soundly so I closed the door and went to Isu's room to find him watching some motivational video.I spent some time time with him and I didn't know when sleep consumed me.


Until next time lovely readers.Love you all so so much.

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