Chapter 1

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James' POV

I go on stage. It's bright. Bright lights coming from all directions are shining in my face. People screaming, from what I can gather, mostly girls. I introduce myself, talk a bit about what I'm going to sing, some other things... I then start singing 'Back from the edge', then 'Safe Inside' then...

Sophies POV

"Omg he was amazing!" I say to Lauren as we stand up and slowly make our way out of the arena, wiping a tear from my eye.

"Aww are you getting emotional too?" Lauren is also wiping a tear from her eye. "He's just so amazing! I love him so much!"

"I know right!" Me and Lauren try and find the exit, then we just look and see where everyone else is heading. We both giggle to ourselves as we realise that that's just what we should of done in the first place.

I look around, and shockingly, I see him. "Omg Lauren look! Over there! It's James!"

"Go and say hi, he might like you."

"Are you kidding? I'm way to scared, I don't know what to say and even if I do I will forget, and then I will mess up and mumble and make myself look like a fool in front of him. That's the last thing I need."

"Alright then, lets go."

We walk away, trying to remember where Lauren has parked the car, which was not easy since we both don't know anyone more forgetful than the other.

"You wait here, I think I know where it is but to be sure, I'll go and check. Don't need to drag you with me do I?"

"Ok. But try not to be too long, you know how I feel about being left alone."

"Don't worry, I'll be quick."

I stand there and wait. I feel something tap my shoulder and I turn around. Omg, it can't be, is that?

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