Chapter 21

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Sophies POV

About 4-5 days later I'm still lying in this hospital bed. I have been remembering odd details about my family and me and James together, but a lot of things are still blank to me. According to the doctors my amnesia is temporary, but it will take time to remember things. I stare at the ceiling hearing footsteps getting louder and louder. James walks through the door and smiles at me. I smile back then I instantly get flashbacks of times me and James had together that I didn't know happened because no one ever told me these things.

"James! I remember it all now! I can picture it, I was getting ready and we were going to go to the cinema and then the cow and you and your smile and me and my family! James I can't believe this I feel as if the big bubble with all the lost memories hiding in my brain has just popped and it's all released! I remember everything!"

James rushes over to me smiling a tear running down his cheek.

"Sophie! Your back! I'll go find a doctor or nurse or someone."

He gives me a quick kiss on the head then dashes off. Soon later he dashes back in pulling a doctors arm with him like a dog in tug of war.

"Alright alright calm down calm down!" The doctor says chuckling.

The doctor walks over to me and says some things and basically says I can go and if anything is to happen to come back and check up with him.

"Thank you doctor! Thank you for everything!" I say shaking his hand a bit to vigorously.

He looks at me with a warm smile. "Your welcome dear!"

I grab James' hand and walk out of the hospital.

"I'm free I'm free I remember James!"

He smiles at me then leans in and kisses me. Once that's over he pulls me into a hug and says

"Yes, yes you are."

I giggle at him. I remember his cute little smile perfectly. I can't help it but it just makes my day.

"So, how about we skip the film and just walk to the park?" I say giggling.

James Arthur | Is this love? (complete!)Where stories live. Discover now