Chapter 22

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James' POV

I'm so happy everything is back to normal again. I thought I was going to loose Sophie forever, I was so afraid. We finally make it to the park, and she goes and finds a nice place to sit. I remember that I have an old blanket in the boot of the car and I suggest to Sophie that she get it out so we can sit on it. We find a nice place to sit and I see a little stall selling drinks and crisps and all sorts of junk food. I don't have anything prepared for the picnic so I think getting some things might be a nice idea.

"Theres a little stall over there. Shall I go get us some things to eat, I uhh didn't have anything prepared, sorry."

"It's fine James don't be sorry. Yeah shall I come or-"

"You wait here, I'll get us some things to surprise us." She giggles and I chuckle back before leaping up and dashing over to the little stall. I look at all the different snacks and think about what to get us.

"Hi um, can I have 2 mars bars, a tub of pringles, one pack of the golden haribo's and a bottle of coca cola please?" I look at the man as he grabs out each and every item I asked for. My eyes start to wonder as I see another man behind the stall just sitting in a chair looking at his phone. I'm snapped out of my attention as the man is standing there with the bag of all the junk i've ordered.

"4 pound 30 please."

"Oh sorry, here you go." I hand him the money and grab the bag.

I then turn back round and make my way back to Sophie. I stare inside the bag thinking what to have first, and as soon as I look up to show Sophie, she's gone.

James Arthur | Is this love? (complete!)Where stories live. Discover now