Chapter 15

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James' POV

We get in the car and I start to drive to the cinema. We then start driving along a bumpy road in the countryside.

"Have you seen all these different trees, bushes and flowers?! Their amazing look J!"

I look at some of the trees and how they all are scattered everywhere randomly. I have to say they do look pretty nice.

"They do look nice. So how far away are we from the cinema then?"

I glance over at Sophie and see her looking at a map and turning it from side to side in a gaze.

"Something tells me you don't know how to read a map G.F?"

"I do I do. Oh and by the way I'm not sure if the G.F nickname is working... there most be something else, sorry."

"I love how your sorry about things you don't need to be sorry about. How about I just come up with a name but don't tell you, and at one point just call you it and see?"

"Mmmmm, ok. Your on, I'd shake your hand but, well clearly I cant. Well just imagine me shaking your hand, yeah?"

She looks over at me giggling. I laugh back at the most weirdest sentence she told me and get my eyes back on the road.

"So what film do you want to see?" I look over at Sophie.

"Ummm I didn't actually check online so I'm not sure whats on, sorry. Lets just pick when we get there yeah?"

"Don't be sorry! It's so sweet how your always sorry. Ok lets just pick something there then." I keep staring at Sophie and start to daze into her eyes. Gosh they are beautiful. There such a lovely colour and they just fit with her and her personality. She smiles at me then turns to look straight out the front window. I see her eyes widen with shock.


I quickly turn to face the front window and see a cow straight in the middle of the road. I clutch on to the wheel so tight and turn left as hard as I can. I miss the cow but drive straight into a tree. How has this just happened?

James Arthur | Is this love? (complete!)Where stories live. Discover now