Chapter 10

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James' POV


I hear Sophie calling me then I dash out of bed and rush straight to her room, hitting my arm on the door on the way there as I'm in such a rush.

"SOPHIE? Are you ok?"

She then starts crying and I run straight over to her and hug her.

"It's ok, it's ok." I say calmly.

"J-J-James, I had a nightmare. It was to do with the guy calling me. I had a nightmare that he called me again then said something scary then somehow found me and was going to-"

"Shhhhh shhh Sophie it's ok calm, take some deep breaths. Do you need some water?"

"Can I come with you? I'm too scared to stay here alone."


I then hold Sophies hand and walk to the kitchen and make her a glass of water, then we head back to her bedroom.

"Thanks James. I'm so sorry I probably scared you and woke you up and-"

"Sophie don't you see? I care about you and I don't want anything to happen to you."

I then pull her into a hug and stroke her hair. She sniffles into my t-shirt.

"James? Can you maybe, sleep here for the rest of the night? I'm so scared of sleeping alone."

"Sure. Anything for you."

"Thanks James. I don't know where I'd be without you right now."

I then get under the duvet and snuggle into her and wrap my arm around her waist and she notices the scratch on my arm from hitting it on the door earlier.

"Whats this?"

"Oh, umm, well when I heard you shouting I came as fast as I could and I hit my arm on the door. I'm ok though it's no big deal."

"Aww James I don't deserve you. This sure looks like a big deal to me, it's a bit cut, doesn't it hurt or sting or anything?"

"Yeah it hurts a bit but i'll be fine I promise. Just get some sleep yeah?"

"Well look into it a bit more tomorrow."

"Ok. Night Sophie."

"Night James."

Both of us then fall asleep again.

James Arthur | Is this love? (complete!)Where stories live. Discover now