Chapter 23

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James' POV

I drop the bag and search around frantically not knowing what to do. I can't loose Sophie I love her this just can't be. I look around shouting  for Sophie over and over again. Silence. I look back and see the man in the stall staring at me like I'm an alien from mars. I rush over to him and ask if he saw where the girl behind me went.

"I'm sorry I don't know. Ben might know, I'll go ask him." The man then goes and walks round to where the man sitting in there chair is. He's gone to. The man comes back to me looking disappointed.

"I'm sorry Ben, well my friend has left. I haven't seen her though, do you have a picture of her so I know what she looks like incase I see her?"

I pull out my phone and search for a picture of Sophie. I show it to him and he studies it for a second.

"Mmm ok, if I see her around I'll let you know."

"Thank you."

I walk around the park some more and search and search for Sophie.

It eventually hits nighttime and I can't find her so I decide to go home. Once I get home I make my way to the door with my head going in circles on where she could be. I pull out my keys and start to unlock the door. I can hear something, it sounds like someone crying. I open the door slowly and turn the lights on while looking around. I come to see a girl in tears in the corner of the room with cuts all over her and blood dripping down her legs. It's Sophie.

James Arthur | Is this love? (complete!)Where stories live. Discover now