Chapter 16

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James' POV

The next thing I know I'm in a waiting room in the hospital. I can't believe this has happened. I dodged the cow but drove into a massive tree. I can't remember many more details but I remember at one point seeing Sophie with blood dripping down her face with her eyes closed. I stay put in the chair with my head in my hand, tapping my feet anxiously waiting to see Sophie. I only got a few cuts on my head and nothing more, but nones telling me the state Sophie is in. I look at the front doors and see a middle aged couple walk in anxiously and head straight to the secretary. I look backdown at my feet, hearing the odd word that these people are saying, then hearing the word Sophie. They must be her parents. I stand up noticing my hands are starting to shake and walk over to the couple, not quite sure on what I'm going to say.

"H-hi, umm, are you Sophie's parents?" I see the man look at me intensely.

"Yes, who are you?"

"I'm James. I-I-I ummm, I ughhh.... I was the one driving with Sophie." The man continues staring at me up and down and I suddenly feel like he knows it was all my fault.

"Your the one that was driving?"

"I, umm, yes. I am so so sorry I would never want this to happen to her. I care about her to much, I honestly didn't mean any harm it was an accident, I understand if you hate me."

"I can only decide that once I see Sophie." The man says coldly. He then walks of but the lady stays behind looking at me.

"Hi, I'm Lucy, Sophies mother. Don't worry about Harry, he's just one of those over protective dads, he doesn't mean harm he's just worried, as I am too."

"It's ok I deserve it, I'm terribly sorry." I look down at the floor in disappointment, then feeling a hand place on my arm.

"James, I don't know you at all, but if you say it was an accident I believe you, don't worry about Harry." She rubs her hand up and down my arm, then looking at me in surprise. "Oh sweetheart are you shaking?"

"Well, I ughh..." She then pulls me into a hug.

"Everything is going to be ok."

James Arthur | Is this love? (complete!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora