Chapter 14

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Sophies POV

I finish in the shower then find something to wear. I look through my wardrobe, and after going though it 3 times I finally decide on a plain black skirt with 2 brace straps, a plain white t-shirt and some plain black converse. I dry and brush my hair, then think about weather I should curl it. I decide not to, I put on my make up then plonk myself down on the sofa and look through my phone while I wait for James. I hear the door bell, jump up and grab my bag and open it. It's James. He's wearing a plain black t-shirt, a black leather jacket and some black jeans.

"Well hello there! Your dressed with so much colour today aren't you? You look like a rainbow threw up on you."

He laughs then looks down at the flor looking very shy. He doesn't have to be so nervous around me, but it's so adorable.

"Well I do love my colours. Well, 'colour'. You look very beautiful."

"You look very smart yourself. You really suit black. I actually really like you in black."

"Thanks. You haven't actually seen me in a different colour though, so I could suit all colours for all you know."

"I've seen you in white. And anyways, I never said that you didn't suit other colours, I just simply prefer you in black."

He rolls his eyes smiling.

"So are you ready to go then?"

"Yep all ready, lets go J."

He then puts his hand out to help me down the step. He's so sweet. He puts his arm round my waist as we walk to the car and it feel a bit like our first date all over again.

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