Chapter 20

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Sophies POV

I talk to my parents and get to know them again. I can only remember some odd little things of what they have told me, I remember enough to trust and believe them. I see James walk back in after an hour with my parents and they signal him to let them know their leaving.

"We have to go for a while sweetheart. We will check up on you soon." They both then give me a kiss on my head and leave the room. James comes and kneels on the floor next to the bed.

"Hey, how you doing?"

"Alright I guess, I'm starting to remember some of the things that mum and dad are telling me."

"Good. That's good. The fact that your calling them 'mum and dad' again must mean something to."

I smile at him and he smiles back. He does have a nice smile. I see him look at the floor like a lonely puppy.

"Everything ok?"

"Sophie. It's my fault. I'm the reason your here. I was going to drive you to the cinema and I wasn't paying attention and then-"

"James." I place my hand on his. "I know, and it's ok. The doctor and my parents have told me everything and I understand it was an accident."

"Sophie, I'm so so sorry." I see a tear run down his face and even though I don't know much about him it breaks my heart. I pull his hand and gesture for him to come and lay down on the bed next to me. He puts his head in his arms and starts sniffling. I take his arm away and wrap it around my waist, then putting his spare hand in mine.

"No, no no I should be comforting you, and shouldn't be the one crying I-I-" He says sobbing.

I take my free hand wipe his tears away. I then snuggle into him and say

"Then I'll comfort you."

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