Chapter 26

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James' POV

My head starts to twirl round and round. I can't believe this. I knew there was something fishy about that guy. I look at Sophie and find her staring straight back up at me blindly clearly not knowing what I'm thinking. I stroke her hair thinking about what to do.

"I think I know who it is, I will sort it out."

"But James it's-' I see her look at the clock above the tv.

"It's past midnight. You can't do anything now, and anyways you shouldn't it will only make it worse, please James, don't do anything you'll regret." She looks at me with those big puppy eyes and I just melt inside. I lift her legs of me and grab another cushion for under her legs, I then dash in to the bedroom and grab a blanket and the film Letters to Juliet, Sophies favourite film.

"Look, how about we set up a nice cozy little area on the sofa, we pop out and get some chocolate and popcorn and all sorts of rubbish, and we watch this?" I say holding up the film.

"I'm, I-... James, I'm scared to leave the house."

It's my fault she feels this way, if only I had watched her and taken care of her, this never would of happened.

"Sophie, I am never going to forgive myself for this, you deserve so much better I honestly don't deserve you I can't carr-" I'm cut of by Sophie jumping up and giving me a kiss.

"Lets go get some popcorn." She says weakly.

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