Chapter 8

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James' POV

I ring the doorbell and wait for Sophie to answer. The door then opens and I look up to see Sophie standing there. She's wearing a white dress with flowers on it. She looks beautiful. But I keep looking at her and I suddenly see her burst into tears. I put down the basket and hug her. I don't say anything and hug her tighter and kiss her head.

"I'm s-s-so sorry J-James. I'm too scared to go out tonight."

"It ok." I say rubbing her back. "You don't have to." I don't ask why she's crying because I don't want to pressure her.

"I-I-It's just... ever since the day after our date, i've been getting these calls non stop. I would answer, then there would be silence, but then some low pitched noise. Then just now my phone rang again, and a mans voice came on, but it was blurred so I couldn't tell what he was saying. I'm just so scared. What if he's out to get me or something? I've been so scared to leave the house I just can't do it. I'm so so so sorry."

I pull away from the hug and I see that she notices the basket.

"Oh no. No. No no no. You had this planned. And i've ruined it I'm so selfish I'm so sorry James I'll understand if you don't want to see me anymore really it's-"

I cut her of. By giving her a kiss. When I pull away I rub my hand through her hair.

"It's ok. I don't mind. Do you want to another time or maybe I could take you to my place or-"

"Can you stay here the night? I just really need someone with me right now. I'm so scared. Lauren has gone to her mums house for a few days. I can sleep in her room and you can take my bed if you like? Or maybe the other way round I don't mind."

"Anything for you. I'll spend the night. I'll stay as long or as little as you need. And if this guy calls again, don't answer, and tell me ok?"

"Ok. Thanks James."

She then invites me in and I lay out the picnic going through every item. I then see her picking up the plastic bottle with the tea in it. She looks over at me questioningly while giggling. I walk over to her smiling and explain it.

"I was going to take you to this park like thing. And I didn't, well still don't, know what you wanted to drink, I put hot chocolate in the flask, but if you wanted tea or coffee I brought some so I could change it and heat one of those up for you."

"You... you did that? For me?"

"Ummm, well, yeah. I really like you Sophie. And-and I think you like me too, well I hope you do anyways."

"I do really like you James. I really do. That's why I feel so bad for messing up this date. I'm so so sorry. And if your mad at me, I don't blame you at all."

"Sophie. Do not be sorry. When something like this is happening to you I don't blame you for acting this way. I'm not mad at you, the picnic doesn't matter to me, as long as I'm spending time with you I don't care where we are."

"Awww James!"

She walks over to me with her arms out then pulling me into a hug. I hug her back and say

"It's ok. Your safe with me."

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