Chapter 4

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James' POV

I hop in my car and head to Sophie's. Why am I so nervous? I keep thinking and thinking and I cant seem to come up with any decent answers. As I'm heading to Sophie's I see a flower shop and completely remember that I had planned to get her some flowers. I find a close parking space and hop out and dash to the flower shop. I pick out some nice white orchids. I pay for the flowers and dash back to the car. As soon as I'm in the car I pull out my phone and check the time. 7:02!! No! This cant be! I am two minuets late! At least I'm only 2 minuets away. I put the flowers in the empty seat next to me and drive off.

Sophies POV

I'm all dressed and ready. I'm waiting on the sofa and watching the telly with Lauren, when all of a sudden the bell rings. I jump with excitement and then dash over to the door and open it, then grabbing my purse.


"Hey, so um I-I found a nice restaurant n-not far from here. Can I take you there?"

"Sure that would be great!"

James' POV

I finally make it to Sophie's and ring the doorbell, I then look up to see Sophie. Wow she looks amazing! I hear her say hi, I was so mesmerised by her beauty that I forgot I had to actually engage conversation with her.

"Hey, so um I-I found a nice restaurant n-not far from here. Can I take you there?

"Sure that would be great."

I try to hide a smile at her answer. I then go off into a 3 second daydream at her then remember I'm holding flowers.

"Oh. These are for you."

"They are so beautiful! Thank you James I love them! Do you mind if I quickly put them in a vase? They are just so beautiful I wouldn't want them to wither."

"Yeah of course go ahead."

"Thank you. I will be very quick."

I watch as she grabs out a tall sea through glass vase and runs some water in it from under the tap. As I'm watching her I seem to notice that she is being very gentle with it all. I carry on watching as she takes the flowers out of the paper and gently places them in the vase.

"Ok, sorry, lets go."

"You really don't need to be sorry." I give her a small smile.

I think I need to make some sort of move even if its a small one. So I put my arm around her waist. She looks up at me.

"I-I'm so-sorry I just th-thought that maybe-

I start to pull my arm away but before I can fully remove it from her waist I feel her hand place on my arm.

"Don't move it. I like it."

Her hip moves in closer to mine and we walk to the car.

James Arthur | Is this love? (complete!)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя