**Kimberly's P.O.V.**

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** KIM'S P.O.V.**

A year later I had my amazing son named " Chase" he is officially going to turn one this weekend , so I decided to invite , Bey, and Shawn since he is Chase's father . And a couple of extra friends . I call me Bey to inform her about Chase's party.

* Phone Conversation *

Kimberly: Hey Bey , I just wanted to let you know that Chase is turning one in Saturday , and I was hoping you and Shawn both , will attend his party.

Beyoncé : Sure, we will love to go to our god sons party.

Kimberly : -Sighs-

Yeah , but can you please make sure Shawn comes .?

Beyoncé : Uhhh , sure.

Kimberly : we'll thanks I have to go get Chase ready , I'll talk to you later.

Beyoncé : tell my god son I said hello , and okay bye ..

I go up stairs, walking into chase's room , picking him up , smiling at his giggles.

" Look at mommies chubby baby"

As I tickle chases stomach , he giggles . As I smile , noticing he looks like Shawn more and more each day.

- I kiss his forehead , as I got into his closet pulling out some true religion jeans , and his plain Sperrys and, a plain black T-shirt . As I get him dressed.

I sit Chase down , in his play pin . As I get his party invites ready .

- I look over notching Chase , feel asleep in his play pin -

- I laugh , picking him up laying him in his crib-

" Look at mommies sleep baby"

- I kiss his forehead , exiting his room"

Hey you guys .,..! The next chapter should be about , the party in EVERYONES P.OV and it's going to be long , with LOADS Of drama . So ENJOY

Can't raise a man (K.Michelle,Jay-Z,Beyonce)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now