Daniel , i love you so much ..!

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Today was the day that he DNA Results came in. Me and Daniel called Shawn over , be instead he came over with Beyoncé to .


Kimberly : Shawn since you invited the bitch , she better respect me ..in my fucking house ..!

Shawn: She will just read the fucking results !

Daniel : Aye lil nigga don't be talking to my girl like that ..

Shawn : What you gonna do nigga ..?

Daniel : -stands up taking his SnapBack off -

Kimberly :Shawn shut the fuck up ..! Daniel baby calm down .

- Kimberly opens the envelope and the results read that he was the father .-

- I take the results and put them in Shawn's face-

Kimberly : what now nigga ..! SHAWN You are chases father . The fuck you doing ..?!

- chases walks downs stairs hearing the news , and he runs up stairs crying, but no one noticed -

Can't raise a man (K.Michelle,Jay-Z,Beyonce)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now