Home ..

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After the met up with Shawn ,I got in my car in drove home . My body was sore , I could barely walk . He rapped me , and beat me . My panties have blood all over them , because he was so brutal with me .

Once I made it home , I crept though the door . I had to tell Daniel what happened . I walk up stairs to me and Daniels room . I limped over to Daniels side of the bed .as I very lightly called his name , as my body ached in pain .

Kimberly : D-D-Daniel ..

Tears start streaming down my face , non stop . As I shake hoping he'll wake up to comfort me.

Daniel wakes , up looking at me scared . As he shocked and concerned on what happened .

Daniel: Kim .. Oh my god Kim .. Come here what happened ..?

Kimberly : He beat me and rapped me .. I tried to stop him ..

Daniel : Who baby ..? Tell me who did it ..

Kimberly : S-S-Shawn .. He beat me and rapped me ..!

* I cry standing the shaking *

Daniel walks up to me , pulling me into are restroom . As he run bath water , I sit there in pain . Daniels walks up to me, placing his arms around me kissing my lips telling me that every thing will be okay .

He turns the water off , and he strip me naked .walking me into the tub , getting me into the water . As he grabs a rag running the water over my back and chest . As he wipes the rag across my bloody bruised body . He comforted me , but I knew deep down inside . Daniel wanted to kill Shawn so bad .


After the bath , I dried off . Putting on some sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt . and my hair in a high bun . I lauds next to Daniel as he comforted me . I felt so safe . But then Daniel picked up his phone and called someone .


Daniel: Hey ..

Daniel: yeah I was wondering if we can handle some business tonight..

Daniel: yeah I'll met up with you at 12.. Bring the guns ..

Daniel: ight .. Bye ..


Kimberly: Daniel promise me you'll leave it alone , if he finds out I told you he will kill me for sure .

Daniel :don't worry ma .. I got this .

Kimberly: Baby .. I love you ..

Daniel: I love you too .. And I'll do what ever to protect you ..


Me and Daniel , cuddled up all that night intill 11:45 hit , he got up saying he'll be back . I was so scared , I didn't wanna be alone ..

Kimberly: Daniel I'm so scared ..

I started crying , looking down..

Daniel: Baby I'll be back soon ..

Kimberly : I'm so scared ... Please don't leave me alone ..

Daniel: Baby you can come along .. But promise me to you'll stay in the car no matter what

Kimberly: Okay .. I promise ..

I run I'm chases room picking him up , sliding him on some socks . As I grab a blanket .. I loved seeing my baby boy sleep .. I slide on my Gamma blues . And I walked to the car , as Daniel started driving I held on to Chase watching him sleep peacefully ..

I wasn't going to leave Chase alone ,after what happened to me tonight .

Can't raise a man (K.Michelle,Jay-Z,Beyonce)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now