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*Kimberly P.O.V.*

I walked away from the beach , as I walk into the board walk of the beach .As Chase is Infront of me running, watching the sights . As Chase runs into the young tall light skinned handsome man . As the young ,an bends down infront of Chase . As I run over to Chase asking the man what is he doing with my son .

Kimberly : Um what are you doing with my son ..?

-I bend down picking Chase up -

Man : uh , hi my name is Daniel , and I just wanted to see how the lil guy was doing .

Kimberly: We'll hi Daniel , and come on Chase .

Daniel : We'll maybe we can hang sometime ..? Maybe you can get my number ..?

Kimberly : Sure ..

-Hands him my iPhone , as he puts his number in as " Your one and only "

Daniel : -Hands Kim her phone back -

There ..

Kimberly : we'll since , I was going to dinner tonight with a couple of people

, I was wondering maybe if you wanted to go ..

Daniel : yeah .. Sure ..

Kimberly : we'll bye .. I'll text you the time and place..

Daniel : We'll okay .. Bye..


It's , 6:00 and we have to be at dinner at 7:30 ,and Jay went back to beys room .so I started getting me and Chase ready , I put Chase down for a nap , then I got in the shower , washing my hair. Once I got put it was about 6:46.. I dried off putting on my purple lace panty and bra set . Then I lotion up my body with coca butter.i put on a black mid thigh dress .. And my bred11s With my gold hoop earrings . And a gold necklace to come across my chest .i curl my long red hair , and spray hair spray on it .

I wake Chase up from his nap , and I bath him and wet his curly hair . After I get him out I lotion him up with coca butter , and put him on a pull-up and some LEVI Jeans and a black polo and his bred11s. I grabs my phone , I pick Chase up and I lock the hotel room door ,I start walking towards the restaurant.


I walk inside the restaurant , and I see a table with bey , blue and Jay . I smirk and sit down next to them , and put Chase inside a high chair .

10 minutes past and I see Daniel walk inside the restaurant . I walk over to him hugging him , as I pull him over to the table as I thank him for coming .

Shawn: Uh .. Who is he ..?

Beyoncé : probably one of her other men since she is a hoe .

Kimberly :actually I'm not a hoe , because I didn't like to Jay saying he's my child's father when he's NOT .., and his name is Daniel and he's just a friend ..

I smile as we order are food , me and Daniel get to know each other . He makes a few jokes as I laugh , as he slides his hand on my thigh .i bit my lip looking at him smirking .

We finish eating , as I had Chase to Jay since he was sleep . I told Jay to keep Chase , because me and Daniel was gonna go around and take a walk . So me and Daniel decided to take a walk on the beach , as I take his hand we inter lock fingers walk on the beach .

Daniel : Tonight was crazy .

Kimberly :-laughs-

I'm sorry if I ruined your night Daniel ..

Daniel : No .. You actually made of perfect .

- he says putting his hands on her hips looking into her eyes -

Kimberly : Daniel . I'm leaving tomorrow , I was just here for vacation . But we will still keep in contact . I promise .

Daniel : it's fine I understand .


Daniel walks me back to my hotel room , we hug kiss and I thank him . And he leaves ..

I think I actually like Daniel .

Can't raise a man (K.Michelle,Jay-Z,Beyonce)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now