At Hawaii ..

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It's been two years since I've seen Beyoncé and Shawn . But now he's know as " Jay- Z " . He invited me and Chase on a family trip . And I didn't turn it down. I've changed a lot . I'm independent . Chase is now 2, and I heard he has a new little sister named " blue Ivy" , that looks nothing like Jay . Rumor is , Beyoncé was messing around with drake , and tried to win Jay back by saying the baby is his .

Me and Chase are at the airport , sitting at Starbucks . As we see Jay , Beyoncé and blue ivy appear. They all take a seat next to me and Chase . Chase see Jay and runs over hugging his legs.

Chase : Dwaddy ..! Dwaddy .. Is thwat my new swissy ..?

Shawn: Hey buddy . And yes that is.

Chase calls bey mommy , I don't like it to much . But I allow him to do it for Jay's sake . I stand up straddling my arms around Jay .

Kimberly : ugh , I missed you so much
Shawn : I've missed you too ..
Kimberly : whispers in his ear " thanks for saving my life , I owe you"
Shawn: whisper back " my pleasure"

* Bey clears her throat *
Kimberly : Uhh.. Hey bey
Beyoncé : Hi..

Chase smiles climbing on top of bey
Chase: mwommy ..! Mwommy ..!
Beyoncé : hey there baby , look I have your little sister with me..
Chase:-waves hi to blue ivy-
- everyone laughs-
As they wait for the flight to take place.

They board the plane , as Chase sits by the window , while K. Sits next to. Him, and Shawn sits next to Kim.
Shawn: Kim you've changed a lot .. I see you dyed your hair red..
Kimberly : Shawn call me " K." Now, I'm a different person.
Shawn: I see your hairs different , and so are you. I see your on love & hip hop .
Kimberly : I am .. But I think I'm going to take nap , your son Chase had me up all night ..!
Shawn : -laughs-

As K. Kisses Shawn's check and lays her head on his chest . As the flight begins.

Can't raise a man (K.Michelle,Jay-Z,Beyonce)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now