Chapter 2 - The Herondale Home

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Will's P.O.V.
I put down my phone with a sigh. How are you supposed to face her? Not that you have to soon, but... She's already on the plane. At least we know what she looks like, you searched her and she looks truly beautiful. Her last name is Gray, just like her eyes. What if I'm not good enough for her? Calm down, man. She doesn't even like you like that. But if she did- No, no, NO. Would she be hurt if I ignored her? Probably. None of this is good. And if one of those weird girls got her... Will was snapped out if his thoughts by his sister Cecily entering his room. Cecily looked at him and smirked, "You're thinking of the internet girl again!" Will in response to this sat up abruptly and tucked his phone into his back pocket.

He glanced around the room randomly before drawing out the word, "Noooooooooooo." very slowly. Cecily only shook her head and laughed to herself and waved him downstairs to eat dinner. The Herondale house was a four story, including their admittedly small attic (A.N. I don't have an attic so I don't really know the sizes). That meant that they had a large basement and at least room for 20 rooms for each if the two main floors. The first room fell short due to the kitchen and living room being so large. In other words, it was an unnecessarily large house. Will laughed dryly to himself about the whole matter and quickly followed Cecily downstairs. "You know, Tessa said she's coming to London." I say slowly. Cecily already knows a lot about her, I have no clue how. Because you tell her, what in the world idiot? I interrupted my thought with food. At the table, a meal of turkey had been set on the table along with all sorts of brandishings. Cecily suddenly turns around and exclaims, "OH MY GOODNESS SHE'S COMING HERE I JUST GOT THAT!!! You'll finally get to meet her in real life!"

I felt a familiar dread run through me and I shook my head no and responded, "That's kind of a problem. Ever since what happened in middle school, I haven't been able to be a normal person. The girls that I'm with all the time? They're all bitches and they have black mail. What if they show her a picture of me with one of them to hurt her?" I had begun to pace around the room, wringing my hands together. Cecily was about to speak before our parents walked in, and we all sat down and ate. As a family we never really talked much, only exchanging simple pleasantries during occasions such as dinner. Towards the end of dinner, I heard a small alert on my phone and I stood up quickly, and my parents and Cecily all began to stare. "Ummm, I ha- have to use the b- bathroom." I stuttered, quickly exiting the room. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Cecily shaking her head and smiling.

Once I was in the safety of the bathroom, I quickly took out my phone and smiled. Tessa texted me, and she was finally so close to me. I went straight to the WattPad to reply to her.

Ships-For-Days: I JUST GOT HERE!!!!!


Ships-For-Days: ME TOO!!!

Nerd_Ruler: This is amazing, and you're in London?

Ships-For-Days: Yeah, it's honestly a dreadful day as far as weather goes, though. How do you stand it?

Nerd_Ruler: It's always like this, you get used to it.

Ships-For-Days: Awwww. At least it's good reading weather. Not so good for waiting for a taxi weather, though.

Nerd_Ruler: Oh that reminds me, I found out that they're making a Netflix original out of Series of Unfortunate Events!

Ships-For-Days: REALLY?? When will it be out?

Nerd_Ruler: Around three weeks. It comes out on a Friday later this month. I can't believe it's already January 2nd.

Ships-For-Days: Amazing!! I called an Uber and she just pulled up, so I'll have to talk to you later!

Nerd_Ruler: Okay, make sure you remember to eat. You need to get used to the time zones.

Ships-For-Days: Thanks! Make sure you eat too. I'll talk to you later!

I turned off my phone and smiled. She was so close, my Tessa. I turned off my phone and went back to dinner, barely being able to eat. I stirred my food around my plate until mom and dad dismissed us all, and then I rushed up to my room. Cecily walked in soon after me, shaking her head in laughter, "It was her, wasn't it?" she laughed. I glanced over to my phone quickly and she noticed. Before I could stop her, she grabbed my phone from my desk and quickly unlocked it, she continued laughing and this time she almost yelled, "SHE'S YOUR PASSWORD OH MY GOODNESS!!!!" I lunged for her and tried to grab the phone, I felt myself blushing once she had yelled it. "No!" I said and Cecily's eyes lit up. "Never lie to your dear sister, my brother. I'm already in and..." She ran away before I got the phone and I had no choice but to chase her. While I was stronger than her, she had always been faster than me. This was no exception. The whole way, Cecily was scrolling through our messages.

"YOU TOLD HER TO EAT! WILLIAM YOU ARE TRYING TO BE HER BOYFRIEND NOT HER PARENT." By now, she had gone to the basement. Finally, a dead end. That statement, though, made me pause and I could feel even more of a blush coming to my cheeks. "I am NOT trying to be her boyfriend! Besides, I doubt she would even want to date considering-" I looked at Cecily and I could see on her face that she had gotten to that text. "Sh- she's like us?" I heard Cecily ask. True compassion shown in her eyes and I nodded my head. Ever since she learned her brother dying wasn't a dream, I noticed she had become sadder. She read less and less and had stopped writing all together. "I suppose she needs you then, and I expect by now you need her, too." Cecily whispered, and she handed the phone back to me, "Let's go upstairs and get ready for school. Maybe I can help you pick out a decent outfit to wear for when you meet her." 

Together we walked up, and I clutched my phone to my chest. You not wanting to date her was a lie and you know it. The words rang through my head and I shook my head. Cecily noticed and turned back to me, a look of confusion. I just nodded my head again and continued walking, now in front of Cecily. Once we got to my room, Cecily immediately threw open the closet. "Will, why do you only own clothes in black?" I just shrugged and laid down on my bed. Cecily threw my clothes at me suddenly looked at me gravely. "If you try to escape shopping tomorrow I will throw you into a body bag." She said in deadly seriousness. I backed up and tried to find a way out of the room. "I never agreed to that." I said cautiously. Cecily simply began to leave the room, but once she was at the door frame, she laughed, "You've been signed up for this since the day you were born, you just didn't know it. Go to sleep, you'll need it. And don't forget, we're also going to the new dorms tomorrow." She exited my room, and left me to dread tomorrow. Suddenly, I got a text message on my phone.

Ships-For-Days: I just got here and I the hotel is right next to a library!

Nerd_Ruler: Lucky! Do you think you'll get anything?

Ships-For-Days: I don't know. I'm going to this boarding school tomorrow so probably not. 

Nerd_Ruler: There are so many boarding schools in London, which one are you going to?

Ships-For-Days: I'm pretty sure it's called Nephilim. What school do you go to?

I suddenly felt a sour feeling go through me. Nephilim? I quickly google searched and found that the boarding school I went to was the only one in London which meant... I would be going to school with Tessa soon. I couldn't tell her I went there, too. Then she might ask about me and hear what I've done, but maybe if I tell her... no.

Nerd_Ruler: Some weird place called the Institute. The two are kind of close, though.

Ships-For-Days: Cool! I feel like I'll probably be busy over the first week, getting used to the new school, but that Saturday can we go get coffee or something? I'd really like to meet you.

Again, I began to feel a familiar dread, but this time I could not say no. Just one week, I get one week to get rid of a bad reputation. Great.

Nerd_Ruler: Sounds great.

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